ZeusNathanZ Starts a Log



AGE: 23
WEIGHT: 154lbs
CHEST: 38 inches
ARMS: 14 3/4 inches
LEGS: 21 1/2 inches


BENCH: 245lbs
SQUAT: 265lbs
DEADLIFT: 405lbs



and a sexy ass beach body

Whats up guys my name is Zeusnathan. No its not my real name but it started off as an inside joke and it sounded kinda cool so I kept it.
I’m still in college pursuing a Bio degree. I’ve been working as a personal trainer for about 4 years now at various locations. I’m NASM certified and I wrestled for 6 years.
I consider myself familiar with the body, but not as exceptional as the writers here on T-Nation.

I decided to write this Log so that maybe I’ll stick to my workout schedule for more than two weeks. The current trend seems to be workout two week, take one month off… nonetheless my physique and numbers are suffering. I guess T-Nation will be my accountability.
Feel free to criticize, question, and refute my logic because even I think its weird at times.
I won’t be using a well known program or anything… Instead I’ll be using my own, which will roughly look like this…

leg press 180lbs 4 x 8
jump squats 20 reps
dumbbell overhead press 100lbs 2 x 12
walking lunges with barbell 95lbs 3 x 12
leg extensions 70lbs 3 x 12

weighted pull ups bodyweight + 45lbs 4 x 8
dumbbell bench press 160lbs 4 x 8
seated rows 200lbs 3 x 6
hammer strength chest press 180lbs 5 x 5

squats 135lbs 3 x 12
leg press 180lbs 4 x 8
bulgarian squats 40lbs 3 x 6
leg extensions (inner middle out) 3 x 12


bent over rows 185lbs 5 x 5
military press 135lbs 5 x 5
pull ups 50 reps in cluster sets
barbell bench press 205lbs 5 x 5


NOTE: I have been out of the gym for a month due to a flu and too much korean bbq on another occasion. :\

Ohh yea, and the diet…


3 eggs
2 toasts
1 trail mix
1 glass OJ
3 fish oil


1 trail mix/1 fruit


cold cut sandwich

pre-workout meal

1 scoop grow with water

post-workout meal

3 scoops Grow!
1 banana
1 cup various berries
1 yogurt
1 scoop ice cream
4oz milk


6 - 10 oz meat (beef, pork, chicken)
beans and rice
korean veggies

roughly 200 grams of protein

suggestions? let me hear it. i suck at diet.

I have a suggestion: stop making me feel so weak!

Good, solid lift numbers man. At 184 I feel like my deadlift numbers should def. be higher.

I look forward to reading your log man and will subscribe to this thread.

missed monday because i was just so damn tired.

todays workout

dumbbell bench press
80lbs each hand
3 x 8

weighted pullups
bw + 45lbs 6 reps
bw + 50lbs 6 reps
bw + 60lbs 6 reps

barbell bench press
205lbs 3 x 8
135lbs 1 x 12

seated rows
180lbs 8 reps
200lbs 8 reps
220lbs 6 reps
240lbs 6 reps

hammer strength bench
90lbs 2 x 12
180lbs 3 x 8 reps

hammer row
180lbs 1 x 12

fairly rough workout considering its my first day back since i got sick.


2 chicken breast sandiwches
2 scoops Grow!
1 yogurt
1 glass milk
1lbs black beans
3/4 can spam
2 bowls rice

Damn you pull 405? at 154lbs. Im hoping at that weight your about 5 % bodyfat.

wait something doesnt jive you row 180 and you use 80lbsers for db bench and yet your only 154 lbs?

post a pic

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
Aren’t you the guy who suggested powercleans and O lifts for pec development?

You also eat Spam - one of the worst ‘meat’ choices going, surely. It has twice as much fat as protein, lots of salt and is processed to hell and back.

I hope you don’t recommend these practices to your clients.


thanks for your concern. bj penn eats spam and pineapples, so spam once a month shouldn’t kill me.
for the o lift question, i personally wouldn’t use them for serious pec development, although you and i know it will help, but i was just regurgitating what i remember seeing on the TV special on the rock a couple years back. if you re-read my post it’ll say the same exact thing.

and for my clients, all i recommend is that they eat lean meats, cold cuts… mostly roast beef and turkey, lots of greens that are steamed and always fish oil. im not a certified nutritionist whatsoever. hence, its my weak spot.

[quote]NY_Pitbull wrote:
Damn you pull 405? at 154lbs. Im hoping at that weight your about 5 % bodyfat.

wait something doesnt jive you row 180 and you use 80lbsers for db bench and yet your only 154 lbs?

post a pic[/quote]

yea i pull 405lbs on deads… with straps so im cheating but still, i get it up. and my bodyfat is more like 12 - 15% just a rough guesstimate. the electronic bf calc says im 11% which is bs. ive been 6/8% bodyfat so i know what its like.

i warm up with about 80lbs on seated rows for maybe 15 reps.
then i jump to about 160lbs and row for 8. next 3 - 4sets im up around 180 - 240lbs. its not picture perfect. i do the “arnold” row with a lil less back movement.

and for the dumbbells, i know its weak. i like to train alone. hence, i benched very little…

let me clarify that. since i trained alone, i couldnt go heavy on the bench. of course id ask people around me for a spot but that gets irritating. so basically my workouts consisted of deads and pull ups.

for the past 3 months i realized that i never worked chest… i never benched. i would maybe throw up 135lbs for 15reps just for fun but never worked chest seriously.

im just getting back into working chest and they are reacting really quick.

you know what though, im doing deads tonight so ill see if i can conjure up a video.

like i mentioned, my shit is unorthodox, but there is reasoning behind it.

Yes, and my name is GetSwole…no its not my real name…but I think it sounds cool so I keep it.

For optimal progress’ sake I would revise my diet, as Bushy already mentioned, if I was you.

I don’t have a dog to deny spam too…but I wouldn’t go around touting my PT status in the same breath as my Spam eating status.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
ZeusNathan wrote:
bushidobadboy wrote:
Aren’t you the guy who suggested powercleans and O lifts for pec development?

You also eat Spam - one of the worst ‘meat’ choices going, surely. It has twice as much fat as protein, lots of salt and is processed to hell and back.

I hope you don’t recommend these practices to your clients.


thanks for your concern. bj penn eats spam and pineapples, so spam once a month shouldn’t kill me.
for the o lift question, i personally wouldn’t use them for serious pec development, although you and i know it will help, but i was just regurgitating what i remember seeing on the TV special on the rock a couple years back. if you re-read my post it’ll say the same exact thing.

and for my clients, all i recommend is that they eat lean meats, cold cuts… mostly roast beef and turkey, lots of greens that are steamed and always fish oil. im not a certified nutritionist whatsoever. hence, its my weak spot.

Lol, no spam shouldn’t kill you, but it’s dogshit meat. In fact I wouldn’t even feed it to my dog. It’s too poor quality.

So if BJ Penn (whoever he is) ate something it must be ok? What kind of logic is that?

I appreciate that nutrition isn’t your forte. However, to build a decent body it needs to be. Training is only a part of the story. You can’t outtrain poor nutrition.

And no, I wouldn’t agree that O lifting will do jack diddly for pec development. Why would a certified PT regurgitate info that he knows is not valid?

I don’t mean to seem like I am picking on you. However, if you start a public log, you must realise that you are being held accountable by those reading. I am putting you under scrutiny :wink:


lol bj penn just happens to be one of my fav fighters, so if hes doin it shit ima do it too lol

[quote]GetSwole wrote:
Yes, and my name is GetSwole…no its not my real name…but I think it sounds cool so I keep it.

For optimal progress’ sake I would revise my diet, as Bushy already mentioned, if I was you.

I don’t have a dog to deny spam too…but I wouldn’t go around touting my PT status in the same breath as my Spam eating status.[/quote]

im just being real dood. im only human i swear. i just had 3 footlongs today from subways… $5 footlongs look a lot tastier than $7.98 footlongs.

WEDNESDAY’s workout

45lbs 12 reps
135lbs 12 reps
225lbs 3 reps
315lbs 3x1 cluster sets
405lbs oldPR
415lbs newPR

bulgarian squats
bw 12 reps
50lbs 3 x 6 reps
sooperseted with
bench step ups
bw 12
50 3 x 6

leg press
50lbs 12 reps
140lbs 2 x 12 reps
230lbs 3 x 12

walking lunges
lots of em with bw


footlong patrami sandwich with american
loaded with veggies and spicey mustard

footlong chicken pizziola provolone marinara sauce more veggies

leftover beans from last night with rice

2 scoops Grow! Whey

anyone know what that comes out to? i just know it looks healthy to me.

Nice Deadlift, man. I’ll be catching up to you soon enough though - this is an arms race, and you’re Soviet Russia!

No shit…

So this is what is happening when these lighter guys are claim massive deadlifts.

Sweet hitching.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
You also eat Spam - one of the worst ‘meat’ choices going, surely. It has twice as much fat as protein, lots of salt and is processed to hell and back.


Completely disagree. Potted Meat Product is by the worst ‘meat’ on store shelves. That and Vienna links.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
You keep lifting with that bent back, and as I chiropractor, I will look forward to relieving you of your money, soon enough :wink:


lol thanks buddy i cant wait to move to wales to get my back checked out haha