
Any “T” men out there used Z-methoxy by Met RX yet? I started around a week ago and the only thing i have noticed is my sleep has improved, feeling more rested in the morning. but i cant find ANY information on this product any where on the internet. Allan

why would you even think of using any other product other than methoxy 7. we know that you have to take a shit load of any others in order for levels to get high enough. why even waste your time and money.

goldberg beat me to it. i was just about to say the same thing.

Well, thats the problem guys! I dont know. there are so many supplements out there I have no friggin idea what to take. I can only try things and see how they work. it helps though to get feed back from anyone who has tried different supplements although i realize sometimes we all may respond a little differntly to them. My “T” levels are low. I dont want to piss around. I want somehting that will help me. my diet is right now 20,40,40. taking creatine, body fat down to 15% finally starting to dial it all in a little bit., kicking serious ass in my workouts…just need to get those “T” levels up a little. Soo…methoxy 7, then? stack anything with it? Allan