Your Warm-Ups

For warm ups do you guys prefer a general warm up (ex- some cardio , flexibility/mobility work, etc) and then going into your core lifting exercises with only 1-2 sets of lighter weight before you start your real sets, or do you guys skip a general warm up and do 4-5 sets of warm ups for the exercises.

its probably easier to see this than read it so heres a more specific example

You are squatting 315 for 5 today. do you:

A) general warmup (walking/running/etc)
B) Squats- 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5

or do you

A) Squats- 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 185 x 2, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 315 x 5

[quote]TomRocco wrote:
For warm ups do you guys prefer a general warm up (ex- some cardio , flexibility/mobility work, etc) and then going into your core lifting exercises with only 1-2 sets of lighter weight before you start your real sets, or do you guys skip a general warm up and do 4-5 sets of warm ups for the exercises.

its probably easier to see this than read it so heres a more specific example

You are squatting 315 for 5 today. do you:

A) general warmup (walking/running/etc)
B) Squats- 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5

or do you

A) Squats- 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 185 x 2, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 315 x 5


Yes,that is about it!

Generally, I will do about 5 minutes of light cardio (usually on one of those stationary bikes or rowiing machine in the gym), followed by 5 minutes of stretching.

Then, even though it’s not really considered warm-up, I will do three sets of glute-ham raises. ONLY then will I proceed to squats. I will usually do a set of 135(two doughnuts) 10x as a warm-up set and then go right into the heavy stuff.

Typically, Foam Rolling, Ab Activation, and then a good amount of Dynamic Stretching (mainly from Magnificent Mobility DVD). In addition, if I’m squatting heavy, I like to grease the motor pattern: lateral squats, bodyweight squats. Usually this is enough to allow me to feel ready under the bar.

I’m not quite to 315 yet (not near it actually) but if I was maybe I’d have to do something other than bodyweight as a warmup. I’m pretty sure the dynamic stretching however could never be skipped.

I would do a couple of different warmups for my hips, lower back, legs and shoulders. Leg kicks and swings, maybe some band good mornings, etc.

I would then squat probably like this, 135xfew, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315xwhatever

[quote]TomRocco wrote:
For warm ups do you guys prefer a general warm up (ex- some cardio , flexibility/mobility work, etc) and then going into your core lifting exercises with only 1-2 sets of lighter weight before you start your real sets, or do you guys skip a general warm up and do 4-5 sets of warm ups for the exercises.

its probably easier to see this than read it so heres a more specific example

You are squatting 315 for 5 today. do you:

A) general warmup (walking/running/etc)
B) Squats- 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 315 x 5

or do you

A) Squats- 95 x 5, 135 x 3, 185 x 2, 225 x 2, 275 x 1, 315 x 5


Thats a lot of warm up. I stretch, do fast 3 mins on a bike then do like 1 warm up set with like 10-15 reps-say squats so be like 135-. Then I start my heavy lifts. I don’t get my best lifts till after a few heavy sets anyways usually.

I tend to get to the rack asap so i can use it, don’t need anyone doing curls in there. If someone is in the rack ill hop on a bike for 5 mins

full load x reps x sets

my stretching is usually just hamstrings and hips, doing the 3rd world squat and sitting between my knees

It depends on the day but i believe my warm ups tend to work on my weak points and and warm me up at the same time. For legs ive been doing this lately

foam role IT band and quads
Surf slide stretch for 10 reps each leg
ankle mobility
VM acitvation
Warm up with sets of 5 then 3 then 1 usually 2-3 at each
135x5,185x5,225x5,255x3,275x3,315x1,335x1,365x1 etc

If I’m front squatting, for example:

Foam roll upper back, IT bands, quads, maybe calves. Thoracic extensions on the foam roller. Cat camels, knee drops, lying side twists, scap pushups, warrior lunges, hip side swings, straight leg swings, shoulder circles, band pullaparts, calf pressdowns, bodyweight drop squats. Curlups, single arm/leg planks, glute bridges.

Then I go 45 lbs, 95lbs, 135lbs, 185lbs, and 225lbs (work sets aren’t much higher than this anyway for full front squats). I generally don’t go over 5 reps for any of my warmup sets.

Upper body day I do 10 minutes cardio and then just lift light weight for a couple of sets.
Ie) If I am going to bench 135 then I will do two sets of the empty bar for 12 reps, than one set of 10 reps with 95.

Lower body I do 10 minutes of cardio but I put a lot of emphasis on squeezing my glutes on about half the strides I take on the eliptical machine for glute activation. Then I perform 10 minutes of light static stretching and hip mobility work. Finally I warm up for doing squats by doing 2 sets of 12 reps with the empty bar, then 1 sets of 65lbs for 12 reps, then I finally do reps for 135.

Parisi Warmup Method

mobility for lower body (MM is great)
then either climbing method:
barx5, 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5

or lower the reps method:
barx10, 135x7, 225x5, 275x3, 315x5

either works, but best trick is to repeat any ramp up set that feels bad, second time it will feel much better.

climbing method is generally better for bodybuilding, lower the reps method is generally better for strength training.

No more than 5 minutes of cardio. Usually half of it walking and half of it easy running. This is if I’m doing lower body.
If I’m doing upper-body I do a copy a series of shoulder exercises that I’ve seen Branch Warren always do before he does any upper body. Just some uber-light overhead press, lateral raises, external rotations, and curls with 10-12lb Dumbbells.

Then 5 sets of warm-up for ME.
1-2 sets of warm-up for RE exercises.

Floor Press
95X5 135X5 155X3 185X1 205X1 225X1

After the first exercise I may do 1-3 warm-up sets for each additional exercise or I may not.

If I’m going from Dumbbell Rows to Chest-Supported Rows I might do only 1 warm-up set for Chest-Supported Rows and I might not do any. Then when I move from Chest-Supported Rows to Military Press I’ll defiantly do 1 or 2 warm-up sets since the muscles involved and the path of the bar is so different.

I don’t really need to warm down since the exercises I do get progressively easier. If I do a finisher exercise like Tire Flips or Sled Work then the walk to the car is enough of a warm-down until I get home to my foam roller.

Squat day looks like this

There is a flight of stairs that I run up EVERY sqaut day (and deadlift day, other days I walk up).

tennis ball work to my arches.
hip and leg stretching
low back stretch.
about 5 bodyweight squats

Takes 10 min

then my work sets. Last week was 315x6x3

I’m pushing my deads right now so I’m not really going above 315. I went 335 a couple of weeks ago. Squat changes every 4 weeks that I deadlift during that week.

same as above but I replace bodyweight squats with reverse hypers no weight 1 set of 10-12.


? depends on work set for that week. this week is 455 so I will go 395 or 405 then go work set at 455.

Lately I have been doing sets of 1-5 reps starting at 95lbs adding 20lbs every set for my warm up.

I like it allot, you cant go as heavy because of all the warm ups so its easier on you. You also get allot of blood flowing so I think it helps prevent injury.

Oly stretchs I do before any training/ physical activity

Windmills with your arms. -START SLOW and build up speed. -both arms GOING BACKWARDS -I can not stress enough to start SLOW THEN TO BUILD UP SPEED GRADUALLLY!

Leg swings: -stand tall -keep hips square -keep legs straight -swing one foot up and swing it back also. -do this more and WHEN YOU FEEL LOOSER start to swing up/kick up HARDER AND FASTER, -don’t ignore the kicking on the way back also -KICK HARDER ON THE WAY BACK ALSO -repeat for 20-25 times for BOTH FEET

Leg swings across the body. More of the same. This time lean against the dipping bars or something like that. Use the Smith machine (actually useful for once!). Set the bar to about waist height -Start slow with one leg. Swing left acros your body then to kick right to your side.

Repeat. As you get MORE WARMED UP kick harder and faster. Again go for 20-25x on each leg.

When you get better you can easily kick past your head kicking forwards. You can kick to about your head height and past going across your body also.

These are the best stretchs. I get all new lifters at the club to do these. With time and commitment they all hit the correct positions.

I do these and a few others before any physical activity. It will increase your mobility and keep you injury free. Just spend 10minutes to do these dynamic stretchs and your golden.

Then I warm up my weights accordingly and work on my training sets:

E.g. Squats
Do my oly stretchs

Front Squats:
Bar x 6reps
60kg x3reps
100kg x 3reps
110kg x 3reps

Training starts on
120kg x 3reps


I always start with a general warmup of jumping jacks, windmills, and overhead squats with a pvc pipe. Then I do specific warmups of the lift with lighter weights moving up to the weight for work sets. If the exercise is heavier, like squats or deadlifts, I’ll do more warm up sets, at least 3 or 4. If it’s lighter, like military press, just 1 or 2. Also if it’s the last lift of the day, I’ll drop a warmup set to save time, because everything should be warmed up by then.

My lower body warmup is done as prescribed in Bulletproof Knees, and then I get to work. Upper body involves soft tissue work on my back, shoulders, and chest, then a bunch of activation exercises (scap pushups, YTWLs, etc.)

CrossFit warm up does the job for me

3/4 rounds of 10 reps

samson stretch (hold for 10 seconds either leg)
OHS with pvc pipe
push ups
sit ups
back extensions

gets me warm all over, heart rate up and ready for any type of workout

thanks for your replies guys. just a question for those of you who do a general warm up and then only do 2-3 sets of squatting before your heavy effort. do you guys feel that your nervous system has a hard time adjusting from a lower weight to the work weight? i know that even when i make jumps from 135 to 185 that the weight feels significantly heavier. do any of you guys seem to have a hard time with this?