Your Preference Of AI Usage

I was wondering how most guys would go about using AI’s in a cycle. Let’s say something like moderate-high doses of a Testosterone with something like arimidex or letrozole. Would they usually be used on an “as needed” basis or are they a “staple” part of the cycle from the first to last?

for 500 mg of test and above, I use 0.5 mg a-dex EOD.

The letro is way overkill man. Anyhow, test doses under 500 I don’t bother.Anything over that I go @ .25mg e/d.


I use letro @ 1.25mg EOD. Some folks say it is overkill, but I think that is more of an individual thing.

Alright thanks guys, I understand. It’s kind of a call on judgement then. So if it was a heavy-ass cycle with plenty of aromatizing drugs then it would be good to go ahead and take care of it from the beginning without “wait and see” bitch tits etc.

And anything normal(sane) can be a “used if needed” type deal. I guess experience on how your own body handles this stuff is probably infinately useful as well.

Has anybody here noticed any bad effects from using AI’s throughout a cycle such as 10+ weeks? Something like dex @ .25mg/ed for that period? It can’t be great to reduce estrogen that long with these powerful drugs… And then with PCT after that. Just seems like asking for trouble when taken that long…

I tried arimidex and it sent me to the ER with a crazy irregular heartbeat this weekend. I tried nolva and it gave me weird hot flashes and made my heart a little funny feeling as well…anyone else have this problem?

AIFM is the only way to go. It’s legal and you can manage your dose better.

[quote]ScienceGuy wrote:
AIFM is the only way to go. It’s legal and you can manage your dose better. [/quote]

Last I checked it wasn’t illegal to order or possess research chemicals. And whoever said anything about ingesting alcohol with research chemicals is full of it.

I think you’re a shill for the company that makes AIFM. AIFM is a transdermal preparation. That delivery method isn’t exactly known for accurate dosing. So how again could one manage their dose better with a transdermal product?

[quote]cmurder3612 wrote:
I tried arimidex and it sent me to the ER with a crazy irregular heartbeat this weekend. I tried nolva and it gave me weird hot flashes and made my heart a little funny feeling as well…anyone else have this problem?[/quote]

I’m guessing if you took more than you should of, those side effects are possible.