I used to think that neocons were crazy and/or retarded, but now I see they’re neither. Theirs is an ideology of power, which I greatly respect, even if I think they operate on false premises. I don’t hate them the way I used to - or at all, for that matter. I’ve become completely apathetic to politics. Only, I still find liberals disgusting at times.
I’ve learned to be more open minded about political issues. This forum is great because there are very intelligent people on both sides of the political spectrum who are great at debating their views on issues.
My opinions have not changed, although I do think now that the only conservatives I respect are the ones who willingly admit that man is, by nature, imperialistic and violent, and so we have to respond in turn with the same thing. Thunderbolt and RJ tend to be like that…and even though I don’t agree, I can respect it.
I’ve learned the difference between a political hack and someone who actually knows what they’re talking about…and the difference is evident very quickly.
It definitely hasn’t changed my ideals as far as conservatism/liberalism goes. What it has done both on the board and off, is help me hone and isolate those ideals wrt to the people I interact with.
I find myself much more able to see the other side of things and justify opinions that earlier in life I would’ve labeled “wrong”. Showing more that there are good solutions and great solutions and they belong to neither party any more than the bad solutions and worse solutions do.
[quote]burntfrenchfry wrote:
I’ve been going through some of the threads in this part of the forum, and have a question that’s been nagging me:
Have any of you actually had your opinion/stance on an issue substantially changed by postings on here?
(This mainly is more about politically “hot” issues, as those threads seem to resort to “mudslinging” much quicker.)
So, anybody change their opinion because of this site?[/quote]
Nope, only strengthened mine, sorry libs. On the other hand, I do like to hear both sides before I make a decision on an issue, because all issues have grey area, and I think both sides are represented well here.
I enjoy the political forum, as it gives us an opportunity to learn about each others’ views. I find it fascinating that in addition to this very introverted sport we pursue, people find the time to look up and think about the world that surrounds them.
I’ve come to respect some conservatives’ viewpoints more than I used to, but I also have seen many moronic and aggressive debates (often enough with conservative and more liberal posters outdoing each other on that account).
I wish debates would stay more on topic, and every once in a while people would refrain from attacking each other personally, or even better refrain from retaliating against personal attacks - this kills most good conversations.
My opinions haven’t changed per se, but I have added many caveats to my thinking and thought more in depth about what I think and believe.
When you have a good, honest discussion that challenges your viewpoints, even if you don’t change your mind, you learn a lot about what you think and you better crystallize what you think.
But as Irish pointed out, if you stay around here long enough, you can really sharpen your radar for who has a depth of knowledge and opinion and who is merely posturing or full of manure.
That said, there are some really bright posters I enjoy reading and debating with around here, and that certainly includes people who differ from me politically.
They may not change my mind, but most of the time we can have a good discussion - but I, like Makkun, would like to see less noise and more substance.
[quote]burntfrenchfry wrote:
I’ve been going through some of the threads in this part of the forum, and have a question that’s been nagging me:
Have any of you actually had your opinion/stance on an issue substantially changed by postings on here?
(This mainly is more about politically “hot” issues, as those threads seem to resort to “mudslinging” much quicker.)
So, anybody change their opinion because of this site?[/quote]
Nope. That doesn’t mean there haven’t been well thought out opinions here that differ from mine. I just haven’t had to change my mind on anything. That does not mean I won’t in the future.
Yes sometimes. I can’t remember anything recent but it has happened.
You guys are spot on. Some posters, on both sides of the political spectrum are worthy men to debate a point with. It’s what brought me here. Others I skim right over because they just don’t bring anything to the table. One dimensional and that’s it.
Would love to see some selective editing. Lock out some of the wacko’s for awhile. Limit the posts that are way off the point.
I’m young, and I’d like to think I know that I don’t know very much at all.
I present my argument, and read all the evidence presented to me. If I hadn’t read some of that evidence before, I might reformat my opinion, taking the new info into account.
I change my opinions all the time. Thats why I’d like to consider myself a centrist. A TR type of fellow, someone who seems radical, but is actually just a bit left of center, if that.
I figure I’ll find a set way of thinking eventually, but because of my age and my lack of information, i try to keep an open mind.
I’m very open to “new” ideas as long as the person selling them thinks it ALL THE WAY THROUGH.
For instance, the gay marriage issue… First, I have two gay clients (and friends). I was asked if I would go to the wedding is it were legal and I said “absolutely”.
But to those that support that right, (which I do not object to) I say; as long as you realize that I (a heterosexual) can then legally marry my heterosexual buddy and get his insurance and other benefits.
And if NOT, then I would tell you that I’m being discriminated against for being straight.
That’s what I mean by thinking it all the way through.