Your favorite biceps exercise

Props to the one arm towel chin goal.

Goldberg, if you can get your bi’s to grow without direct bicept training - naturally - I must say that you are a genetic freak. God bless Goldberg

21’s with an easy curl bar. 7 low end, 7 high end, 7 full, x 3 sets, combined with your regular full body workout is all you need.

I’ve had a real tough time over the years with respect to bringing up my biceps size; my triceps respond incredibly well and the work I perform for them directly is minimal. This made bringing up my biceps doubly hard until I came upon this one combination of exercises.
I do an extended of set of 45% incline curls followed by standing hammer curls. I do 6-8 reps on the incline curls and then stand up and do another 4-5 reps of hammers with only a few seconds rest between the 2 exercises. I do 4 or 5 of these sets; you may want to do more or less depending on how many sets it takes to give you a maximum pump. I get a huge pump plus, over the last year or so, my biceps have finally come up to par with my triceps. Remember, you don’t need a lot of sets but you have to really make each and every rep count (this way you can do less sets, get more recuperation time, etc…).
Try this combo and I think you’ll be impressed both in the short and long-term. HOpe this helps and keep on lifting smart.


I prefer doing standing dbs at the same time, then switching to one arms during the same set to failure when I can not do both at same time with good form. Usually 6reps with both then singles for 1-4 reps to complete failure. As soon as I’m done I go directly to a hammer preacher curl machine with strict form & bang out 2-5 reps to fail no rest, with one force and neg every once in a while this is one set. After I feel recoverd enough I perform 1 set of 8 reps to complete failure of underhand pulldowns emphasizing Bi’s only. Every other week I throw in hammers for one set of 6! My Bi’s have always been well shaped, but this routine has added a 1/4 inch to my arms in 8 weeks natural no drugs or supplements, just food and a pro/carb drink after workouts. I notice my Bi’s being fuller and peaks higher. This is tough for me because my bi’s are more like a Franco Columbo, short muscle bellies. Which sucks on a 6’2 240lb frame! Oh well, make the best with what you have, create balance and symmetry!


B: I have to go with the Larry Scott Tri-Set. (Just a note: Don’t forget a) the brachialis when working the Bi’s and 2) The anterior Delt’s for that “finishing touch!”

1st Set: Heavy Dumbbell Preacher Curls (Heavy; may “cheat”. End with four burns.)

2nd Set: Wide-Grip Barbell Preacher Curls (Strict)

3rd Set: EZ curl bar, Heavy Cheat Curls (End with four burns.)


Lat Machine Overhead Curls OR

Spider Bench Curls (End with 4 burns).

This is the “best” routine I’ve seen so far.

I dont believe direct bicep work has much merit at all. I trained in the conventional manner for some time and made little gains in arm size and strength. The i hurt my wrist and it kept me from doing curls but i could do any other exercise. My arms started growing. I pulled my head out of my ass that day to see that i didnt need direct arm work to get them to grow. Poliquin has said it as well as others.

one arm chins (if you can manage them)are good for biceps. I agree that clean&jerk & snatch are good for developing that overall Herculean look (big shoulders, traps, upper back, & even arms)

I like to use supersets on my guns. They respond well to high volume work. Currently I’ve been doing the following:

Alt. Dumbell curls superset with Barbell curls
Alt. Hammer curls superset with Rev. Barbell curls
Concentration curls as a finishing exercise.

Generally I do 3 sets of each, aiming for 8-10 reps.

This routine gives my guns a huge pump. I will be changing up the routine soon but will probably keep the fundamental supersetting setup the same.

What in the world are Spider Bench Curls?

I know David Willoughby wrote that someone has to be able to do a 2 hands chinup with 2/3 bwt added on, which for me is only about 140lbs. I’m going for 4 45s (180) because I think someone needs more weight than that to do a 1 arm chinup. John Brookfield (same one who wrote MoHS) at bwt 260lbs did 3 2 arm ones in a row with 250lbs added for a total of 510lbs & he’s the 2nd heaviest ever to do a 1 arm chinup. I can already hang from a towel or rope for a while with 1 hand, so all I’ve got to do is increase my chinning strength.

like everyone has stated previously, my arms also grow without much arm work. however, a drop set of bb preacher curls would probably be my favorite

What can you do at the moment? How close are you to a chin plus 180? How close are you to a one arm chin? I can do three chins with 135 and 1 with about 1 with 165 and am still not even close to a 1 arm chin and I only weigh 180. I cant even do a legitamit negative with only one arm. Best of luck with your training. Got any tips???

Straight bar curls and chins are the best for putting size on your Bi’s.
Also every exercise hits your arms indirectly,so keep your sets and reps low.

That’s very interesting. After reading your goal, I went straight into my garage and tried to hang from my towel one handed. I wasn’t even close. It looks like I need to start doing weighted chins. I weigh 240. What are the chances I can be the third heaviest person to do a one arm chin? Probably not very high that I would be the third, but thats what I’m going to tell myself(and anyone else who asks).
I agree that 2/3 your bodyweight doesn’t seem like enough. I would assume it would have to be close to double. Whoever does a single chin first needs to post what weight they can do on a regular 2 hand chin.
Can enybody else out there do a one handed towel chin? If so, how much do you weigh? How much weight can you do on a 2 handed chin? This is a legit question, but I know I am going to get a lot of smart ass answers.

Last time I checked I was aabout 205, but that was around Xmaas time I think, I must be about 215 or something now. I’m doing 100lbs now, doing aa little each day. (sounds a lot more impressive when you don’t know how far off I am :stuck_out_tongue: ) I think I can get it by my birthday (Oct) & byy the end of the year for sure. If 180 isn’t enough, I’ll just keep going until I can do one. Brookfield did 3 @ 260+250 & he could only do one 1 arm chinup. It probably depends a little on the induvidual & form. As far as I know, some Russian guy did one @ 266, Brookfield did one @ 260, Bert Assirati did one @ 266 & 3 @ 240 (& deadlifted 800). I can’t remember any more & I don’t feel like getting that Milo issue, but @ 240 someone would have to do >3 reps or something for it to be really notable, but one would still be a HUGE pull. I haven’t heard of anybody heavier than 200lbs doing a towel/rope chinup.

Incline dumbell curls.

Incline dumbell curls & weighted chins. They’re the best.

The variety that this post has produced has gone beyond what I expected. Thanks. Sounds like the consensus is that one needs to really experiment until they find what works optimally for them as an individual(there is more than one correct answer). You have opened up my eyes to some new ideas for sure. That’s exactly what I was seeking. Thanks so much for your help on this one.