Your Experience With Appetite Suppresants or Fat Loss Related Agents

That’s why I’m asking for your and everyone elses experience, I mean I don’t have access to everything and I’m from eastern europe which is still behind other parts of the world, so forgive me for being so old school :smiley:

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Do you know anything about the GLP-1 (7-36). That is what my source has. Not sure if that is a good option or not (several options are out there).

No doubt hunger and cravings are there, but cravings can usually be staved off with a nice thick casein shake, as can hunger. I also cook/eat referencing the satiety index on foods so i can eat “more” without eating more calories, if that makes sense…

0.5 cups of instant mashed potatoes is only 20g carbs, 1.0 cup is 40g carbs… once prepared, i think you’d find its a LOT more food than you realized. For reference, 20g carbs in Tortilla Chips, is only 9 chips.

Most people don’t take the time to research it, but i find that its’ really undervalued.

Foods with the highest % are the most satiating

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If a protein shake can quell the craving, it’s not much of a craving then, is it lol


I’m not sure, I’m only familiar with that sciency peptide place that has Liraglutide listed as just GLP-1. My clinic offers compounded Semaglutide that seems to work a little better

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Gotcha! I don’t want to buy something with a 2 minute half life lol. I am googling ATM, and this stuff makes AAS look like addition and subtraction compared to calculus.

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It doesn’t get rid of the craving, but mentally i can justify ignoring a craving if i’m not hungry. Casein shakes particularly are filling by nature. Again, people are different though

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Damn that glp-1 so expensive where I live…

Trulicity 1.5mg x4 (ready to inject) 85 euros = ~96 usd.

Same with ozempic just 1mg x4

Idk anything about it and how much to take, but that seem super expensive

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That’s cheap compared to the US actually. A month supply is around $800-1600

Edit: it is cheaper from research sites and compounders tho

I tried clen once a couple years ago and it gave me wicked anxiety and my hands were so shakey I kept dropping tools at work, I stopped after 5 days of taking it (I was using a minimal dose as well). As far as any other fat loss supplements or “appetite suppresants” I found they don’t work, just having the discipline to stick to intermittent fasting and accepting the feeling of hunger is what worked for me.

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There was a product on the market that was actual food (it was like an expanding granola bar). You were to eat this bar, and drink a full glass of water, and the bar would expand multiple times over to make you full. That seems like a good method IMO.

Start at .25mg per week for the first few weeks to assess tolerance. After that go up by .25mg each week until you’re broke or you lost the weight you wanted to, whichever comes first.

I used .25mg for four weeks and lost eight pounds without even noticing. It’s awesome.


oh yeah, I should have added that. There is a product in Britain that is very similar, it’s a little pill of fiber and some kind of acid and when you mix with water it expands to like 10x it’s size. I may have some of it still lying around. That could be useful for some ppl as well