Young Male (18-30) Virginity On The Rise

I know this topic has been discussed to an extent but I’m curious about thoughts.

Causation, potential effect (especially around root cause if extrapolations can be made), general thoughts….

I personally see the issue as a negative. I know every generation bitches about the new one, and it’s entirely possible I’m gracefully beginning to bridge in to grumpy old man territory, but this just seems weak for a lack of a better term.

Decreasing testosterone levels?

Increasingly estrogenic environments during formative years (cue the single mother thread)?

A generation raised on safe spaces and then ushered right in to Covid shutdowns?

We know it’s not religion as belief and participation are on the decline…

To what extent do you think this is just a reflection of less men getting married? Getting married has been the traditional strategy for most young men to get access to sex.

I would guess close to zero. I can’t think of anyone who was a virgin at marriage.

Well, actually… It was religious based. Had it not been for religious boundaries, my wife and I would probably had gone at it on our first date.

Currently, my money is on gaming.

Are you 18-30 years of age?

Yeah, I can imagine all of these weird kids having strict religious beliefs while identifying as Zers.

:joy:. Not anymore. But at the time…

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Time flies. Fleetwood Mac?

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I’m going to take an odd position.

Its lack of religion and sexual repression. I grew up in a Catholic neighborhood. Big church, school, etc.

Those girls were rebelling against something. Often. I don’t know what it was, but they were at it like there was something to prove.

Nothing to rebell against-> nothing to prove-> rampant virginity.


I’m 24. I don’t have all the answers but would guess that, given my age being right in the middle of the range, I’m a tad more familiar with the average 18-30 year old than other posters, who I’d say are generally in the, maybe, 35-55 range?

Kids are just getting out there less these days. Average age of everything is rising - getting a driver’s license, getting a first job, etc. Including losing virginity. Many (not all) people just aren’t out in the real world as much. There’s less face-to-face interaction, and just plain less doing things.

I’ve heard someone, can’t remember who, says “kids” (I don’t know who this refers to) today are talking about sex more than ever, but having less of it. I think technology is probably largely to blame for this. I’ve mentioned it many times in real-life conversations and in threads on TN, but a lot of kids don’t know how to interact with people anymore. I worked in the tech service department at my college, where students would frequently call with tech questions. My bosses noted that fewer students were just coming in and getting in-person help, which was always quicker and easier for all parties. And when they would call, man, it was painful. Many of them sounded genuinely scared to be making a phone call to a stranger.

There’s just less having to put yourself out there. You don’t have to go knock on your friend’s/date’s door when you arrive to pick them up, you can just text them that you’re outside. You’re able to avoid meeting parents or having awkward conversations.

I can’t count how many times I’ve seen guys my age or slightly younger text girls the most ridiculous things. One dude I worked with sent a paragraphs-long text to a girl telling her how much he liked things like how her nose scrunched up when she laughed, and when she walked in, he would barely acknowledge her. Just like it’s easier for keyboard warriors to insult whoever they want with no reprcussions, it’s very easy for keyboard…Romeo’s (?) to say things to girls they’d never have the courage to say in person.

Kinda rambling but basically, I just think people are less and less prepared to put themselves out there. It’s become very easy to never have to do this.

Oh, and porn. This isn’t a comment on the morality of it, but it’s an easy option. You see in countries like Japan and South Korea, where things like fairly realistic sex robots are somewhat prevalent. The women are literally struggling to find men to sleep with them. They’ve got too much porn. Why would 18 year old dudes go through the trouble of doing basic adult things like showering, being well-groomed, and taking women on dates when you can get a nonstop dose of something that’s not the same, but good enough, in the comfort of your mom’s basement? Porn’s really advanced from 20 years ago, and it’s become a pretty comparable tradeoff, given the amount of work involved in the real-life version.

*I disagree with all of the above, but it’s what I’m seeing.


I think this is actually a very viable possibility.

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I have 5 boys. The oldest 2 are 24 and 21. I’m pretty sure neither of them has ever touched a boob. I don’t understand it at all.

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Serious question. Has the Teen pregnancy rate gone down in the U.S?

I’d call it a contributing factor. Maybe not a primary factor, but its in there somewhere.


The last snippet I saw recently says its at a multiple decades low.

I didn’t verify it by any means, but it caught my attention.

Well thats a positive.


It blows my mind that these are not top Spring Break destinations then.

I do think the general digitizing of life plays a big role.

I think paradigms have shifted. I remember very early video game systems, and it was kind of cool that you could mimic real life on a screen. It was largely a novelty though, and followed the real thing. Great for rainy days and post curfew with friends.

Now I swear a lot of kids get full exposure to things like “playing football” from video games. I have a neighbor whose kid talks incessantly about his Madden bullshit, and fantasy football, but I have a strong suspicion that if I ever threw a real football at him I’d go to jail for assault.

I guess sex could follow that trend.




Fuck… not fixing that


Lol. Sometimes, and I blame men for that. They don’t get these inflated egos without men pining after them everyday in their DMs.

Tbh, I often see the converse of this too. The most attractive women having no one talking to them except the occasional loser with nothing to lose. People tend to shoot their shots with someone they think is on their level and most guys are too chickenshit to talk to the most attractive women. I noticed it during my brief time pursuing online dating too. The most entitled women who act like their shit didn’t stink and treated me as nothing more than a free meal on our date looked nothing like their photos and were 5s at best. Meanwhile the true 9s and 10s were actually the most gracious, would offer to split or even pay from time to time, offer to give me a ride home, text me the next day and generally show interest. Funny how that goes sometimes.


I think part of it might be porn and people socializing less but maybe it’s not as taboo to admit virginity now? (Maybe some younger folks can chime in)

I know it’s a survey but people will still lie out of habit or for ego reasons

I’m 40 next month but looking back most guys would never admit being a virgin past maybe 18 or so unless it was for religious reasons.

Everyone had a girlfriend that went to a different school or lived the next town over lol