Signs You're Spending Too Much Time on T-Nation

  • You IMMEDIATELY notice when Professor X and rainjack change their avatars.

  • Someone writes, “Yeah, I’m doing CW’s ABBH II but only after QD because I think I’m maxed out on my GPP since my meal PWO is off” and you understand all of it without batting an eyelash.

  • You write a post like this one in hopes that someone else shares your same affliction.


do what I’m trying to do and back off.
You’ll be better for it, I promise.

How’s your back, btw?

I feel ya bro.

[quote]Elkhntr1 wrote:
I feel ya bro.[/quote]

  • You also notice IMMEDIATELY that Elkhntr1 changed his avatar as well. Lookin’ large and in charge!

[quote]Kuz wrote:

  • You also notice IMMEDIATELY that Elkhntr1 changed his avatar as well. Lookin’ large and in charge![/quote]

Elk’s got some big shoulders for sure.

And Kuz changed his avatar.

Another sign you spend too much time on T-Nation is that you’ll oftentimes find yourself falling asleep at night typing “” on an imaginary keyboard.

You also notice Kuz changed his avatar from the UCONN husky :slight_smile:

Sadly enough you also know when Powda cleans his apartment and gives Foopa a bath.


Do you think powda might be back this summer, its just not the same without him.

[quote]Dr. Ryan wrote:
You also notice Kuz changed his avatar from the UCONN husky :slight_smile:

I always knew you were a man of refinement and good breeding, Doc. I’ve had plenty of people think it was University of Washington or the like. shudder

You have at least one post in every thread.

You recognize references to 0.9 banana, lightpower, ragdoll, biblechins, pics for the ladies, pine swiping, ilovegeorgebush# and you wonder just what foopa would do?

You read a list like this and realise that you are nodding in agreement to each post.

When you get home from work, and your loving wife meets you at the door with “Hi Honey. How was your day?”, you tell her to “Shut-up and lift”.

[quote]vroom wrote:
You have at least one post in every thread.

You recognize references to 0.9 banana, lightpower, ragdoll, biblechins, pics for the ladies, pine swiping, ilovegeorgebush# and you wonder just what foopa would do?[/quote]

Don’t forget Frat-curls!!

This is a great community and It feels great to be a part of it! Thanks for the good words Kuz and Joe.

Vroom’s right on the money as well. Some of the posts on here give the greatest humor you can find anywhere.

I laugh every time I think of the 150 pound D-bol juicer or Powda and foopa’s love affair.

You don’t get much work done. Prime Time is on about 9am-noon Australian time. Very bad distraction…

[quote]Massif wrote:

When you get home from work, and your loving wife meets you at the door with “Hi Honey. How was your day?”, you tell her to “Shut-up and lift”. [/quote]

Oh shit that one was funny…Here’s my few…

You get fired.

Every activity you do has you wondering if you’re lowering your T levels.

You’re way too concerned about BF%

Everything you own was made by Biotest or has a big T on it.

When you sit down at a restaurant you somehow wonder if you could find the nutrition facts when you get home that night…

… If its out there… you’ll find it…

…It has to be in your food log

  • you actually find out the nutrition info for the restaurant BEFORE you go, and then don’t even have to look at the menu.

Oh, man I am so busted.

Your signifigant other says about a hundred words, the last three being “are you listening?”. Response is a reflex- Nope.

No one even responds anymore to the wallshaking booms in the basement.Not even the dog.

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:
Your signifigant other says about a hundred words, the last three being “are you listening?”. Response is a reflex- Nope.

You have no idea how true that is. LMAO!!

[quote]mindeffer01 wrote:

No one even responds anymore to the wallshaking booms in the basement.Not even the dog.


I tried the same thing in the bedroom and broke the bed frame.