I’ve got a fair bit of free time this year whilst I’m doing an MA before I go to law school next year, so I thought I’d get qualified as a PT just for fun and personal development. Obviously PT isn’t going to be my main source of income, but it combines two things I enjoy - fitness and helping others - so I know it’s going to be worthwhile.
The YMCA PT Award was the best one I could find in the UK.
Couple of questions:
1.) They gave me a reading list, but it looks like crap. I made my own instead based on recommendations on here and elitefts. Read about half so far. Any comments? Books I’ve missed?
science practice of strength training - zatsiorsky
starting strength - rippetoe/kilgore
facts & fallacies of fitness - siff
ultimate back fitness and perf. - gill
natural hormonal enhacement - faigin
siff - supertraining
kinesiology of exercise - yessiss
sandbag training - jones
principles for personal trainers - o’brien
under the bar - tate
stronger minds, stronger bodies - strossen
beyond brawn - mcrobert
dinosaur training - kubik
2). I got the course/module details in the post today. There’s a fair bit on machines, bosu balls, circuit training, “core” work, fitness walking, etc., etc. Loads of you are PTs and I bet you had to listen to this to get your certificate…do you think I should just keep quiet in class about all the stuff I disagree with?