Yet Another Training Log

Born 1968, 182 cm 95 kg / 22 % fat at present (23-Jul-2017).

dead lift 1 RM 180 kg a week ago.
squat 1 RM 120 kg a year ago
BP 1 RM 110 kg 28 years ago, lol

my goal is to deadlift 180 kg by march 2019 and to perform muscle up.
training neutral grip pull ups to prepare for muscle up but golfers elbow.

toady’s training rest from dead lifting since my pr a week ago:

1 set 5 rep 55 kg OH squat
1 set 8 rep 75 kg front squat

alternating 4 sets of
20 rep of 20 kg kettle bell swings
assortment of body weight lunges and split squats

alternating 4 sets of
6 reps of strict neutral grip body weight pull ups
10 reps of upside down (bridge position) push ups

next training back to dead lift

and yes, i know it seems like i have given myself a long time to reach my goal. i have issues with my elbows,shoulders, hip joints and lower back and poor health on top and i’m quite sure i’ll be forced to take time off from training, hence the long time.

also, training pull ups with neutral grip might seem sub optimal, but again it’s easier on my elbows and wrists. doing muscle ups on a bar might not be feasible for me, but using rings should be fine.

and regarding my goal, i have chosen a simultaneous test of dead lift and muscle up to measure my progress. this means i can not bulk up to be stronger in the dead lift because then the muscle up will become difficult, and i can not slim down too much for the muscle up because then the dead lift might be difficult.

i am also including a lot of exercises, like the up side down push ups, that can not directly be traced to my goal but i believe that a well rounded physique will serve me best in the long run and it’s a long term goal.

The goal is selected due to that i want to acquire the kind of strength that would be useful in a combat situation. Should now information come up that advises me that another goal would be even better to this end i will still not change my goal because i think there is great value in that a man accomplishes what he has put his mind into accomplish. Still it would be interesting to hear opinions of a better goal, after all, one day i will have to decide what to do once my goal is met.

13-Aug-2018 edit
i changed my goals a couple of months ago from 1 muscle up to 40 strict consecutive push ups without breathing pauses due to severe elbow pain (golfer’s elbow) in my left elbow when doing pull ups.
i also had a case of a bad flu during march 2018 where i lost 10 kg body mass and a lot of strength, and even now i haven’t recovered all my strength in the dead lift (some time before the flu i did 185 kg for a triple, now 180 kg for a single on a good day), so i feel a bit nervous about the dead lift part of my goal.

22-Mar-2019 edit
Tested my goal the 28-th Feb 2019
DL 170 kg, good rep
DL 180 kg, took off but failed halfway
push ups 33 reps
quite far from my goal of DL 200 kg and 40 pushups
i worked on my goal like a pious monk does his chores, i tried to eat good and i didn’t drink more than an occasional beer or a glass of wine for almost 2 years, i tried to get sleep when i had the chance. i’m pleased with my effort. i just misjudged the time it would take to get there.

i will take it easy with the dead lift for 6 months until 1-Sep-2019 when i will start to push for 200 kg again. Until then i will focus on high rep squatting and low rep OH press.

To be more precise, i’m trying to maximize the ratio:
(A+B) / ((1.1179^(1+Bf)*M + 0.7134^(1-Bf)*M)1.125/(1+Nyf))

A = squat 20 RM
B = oh press 1 RM
M = body mass [kg]
Bf = body fat ratio [-]
N = age - 40 [year]
yf = 0.0125 (year factor)

30-Aug-2019 edit

in the beginning of the high rep squatting and low rep OH press challenge

and at the final day of the high rep squatting and low rep OH press challenge

From now on I plan on running a more mixed approach since I’ve decided to include martial arts in my training and do strength training according to 531 or at least in a way inspired by 531. don’t really know yet how to formulate this in a precise goal though, and i have not decided yet a date to evaluate my progress.

at the evaluation i will measure my:

  • squat 20 RM (85 kg today)
  • ohp 1RM (60 kg today)
  • DL 1 RM (estimated 175 kg today)
  • push ups without breathing pauses max (estimated 27 today but my arms are too fatigued today to get a fair test)
  • body weight
  • fat
  • waist circumference (95.5 cm today)

the events should be measured within a week from each other and the highest body weight, waist and fat during the week will be used. Maybe in the coming week i can measure DL and pushups to get a better start evaluation and also devise a formulae to weigh the events together. i’d like to see the wing tsun training factor in also.


todays training (17/07/25)
OH Squat: 1x6 55 kg
Front Squat: 1x8 75 kg
DL: 1x2 80 kg, 100 kg, 120 kg, 130 kg, 140 kg, 6x2 150 kg sprinkling static holds for the core in between during rest time. the bar i got hold on today had a little bigger diameter in the grip than im used to and i got black spots in my vision after second rep at 130 kg due to that my grip failed and i struggled to maintain it, switched to mixed grip, no more black spots.
DL static hold just below knee caps 100 kg 6 reps for 10 sec
neutral grip BW pull ups 6+7+6+6 reps hack squat 20 kg 1x26, 2x20 push ups
curls 2x8 14 kg, 7.5 kg, 5 kg

todays training (17/07/27)
OH Squat: 1x6 55 kg
Front Squat: 1x8 75 kg
Back squatt: 1x5 50 kg, 1x2 80 kg 90 kg 100 kg 110 kg, 2x10 80 kg
pull downs 8x8 15 sec rest, resistance level 12
4x15 m panther walk
6x15 m 70 kg prowler drag/push

the second back squat rep at 110 kg was ugly. i also felt something in my right hamstring during warm up and the front squats, some kind of tightness but no pain. i always feel back squats mostly in my hamstrings, weird. i dont go ATG just below 90 degree, maybe i should just do 3/4 squats so i can load up my quads.

training 17/07/29
OH Squat: 1x5 55 kg (one rep less than expected, lower back tightness)
Front Squat: 1x9 75 kg (new pr)
DL: 1x2 75 kg, 100 kg, 120 kg, 140 kg 150 kg, 160 kg, 170 kg
DL: 1x8 150 kg (new pr)
neutral grip BW pull ups 6+7+7+6 reps
hack squat 20 kg 1x26,
Dumb Bell Pull Over 1x8 20 kg, 22 kg, 24 kg
Incl. Bench Press using Dumb Bells 1x8 2x26 kg, 1x10 2x28 kg

Interesting set of disparate goals to keep you honest, I like it. There’s no reason you can’t hit it way ahead of schedule IMO. As a fellow older lifter (52 here) I understand about making allowances for joint issues, but I wouldn’t go into it assuming time off for injuries, since that’s something you can’t control but can mitigate, just train smart and listen to your body. Also, be careful about your deadlift frequency, most of the times I’ve hurt my back have been from overdoing it on deadlifting, either frequency or too many reps while fatigued.


training 17/07/30

extra training in addition to scheduled gym

10 rounds of:
10 push ups
hill sprint (20 m horisontal, 8 m vertical)

training 17/07/31

T-bar row and sprinkling mobility drills and punching heavy bag in between:
1x20 Tbar+0 kg, Tbar+15 kg, Tbar+30 kg
Tbar+45 kg 10+10+10+8+8 reps

alternating Clean and Push press: 5x5 55 kg

training 17/08/02

OH Squat: 1x6 55 kg
Front Squat: 1x9 75 kg
DL: 1x2 75 kg, 100 kg, 120 kg, 140 kg, 6x2 150 kg sprinkling static holds for the core in between during rest time.
weak grip today, had to switch to mixed grip already at 140 kg, not even thick bar, it was kind of hot and i was sweating a lot maybe thats why my grip failed
neutral grip BW pull ups 6+7+7+7 reps
hack squat 20 kg 1x26,
Upside Down Push Ups 8+10+9+10 reps

training 17/08/04

mobility drills
clean 1x3 20 kg, 30 kg, 40 kg, 45 kg
OH Squat: 1x6 55 kg
Front Squat: 1x9 75 kg
Back squat: 1x5 20 kg, 50 kg
Back squat: 1x2 70 kg, 80 kg, 90 kg, 100 kg, 110 kg,
Back squat: 1x2 115 kg new pr
Back squat: 2x10 82.5 kg new pr
Hack squat: 1x27 20 kg new pr
supersetting 8x8 pull downs resistance level 13, one armed push press using barbell

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Love the goals and best of luck. How often do you practice your muscle up progressions and are you aiming to do a bar or ring muscle up. They are both slightly different but coming from a gymnastics background I’d suggest learning a bar muscle up first because if you’ve got any shoulder issues a muscle up on rings can aggravate them.
Also a helpful progression would be chin ups then kipping chin ups, then kipping chest to bar chin ups, then muscle ups with a reverse band and finally full muscle ups. Best of luck pal!

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i train every second day. every second training, thus every fourth day, i do neutral grip chin ups. the other training sessions i do either t-bar row or pull downs, i am not sure these will carry over anything to the muscle up but i hope so, my elbows don’t tolerate chin ups every training session.

i thought the ring muscle up would be easier on my elbows, but i have also had my shoulders fooked up from overhead pressing so if the rings put my shoulders at risk then maybe bar muscle up it is.

i still think i am too weak and/or heavy to try kipping chin ups, but maybe in some 5-6 months, taking it really slow but consistent.

thank you for your input, i appreciate it.

/br bonoboschimp

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Slow and consistent is still progress so good work! I guess whatever causes you the least pain the the best method anyway :relaxed:

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I am 44 and still do muscle ups at least once a week. In my thirties, I learned how to do both ring and bar MU’s, and the rings are a bit easier. I can rep out 5-6 now on the bar, but I like to keep them at sets of 3 so they stay explosive and clean. I just want to keep making sure I can still them is basically why I keep them in the rotation.

I think explosive “clapping” pull ups are helpful. Try to pull yourself up as fast as possible, then let go at the top and “clap”. Do a few of these explosively. Next, try to pull ups where you pull your chest all the way to the bar, so you just go over it as far as possible. I also used (and still use) weighted pull ups.

Some other thoughts on MU’s: I super set these with box jumps. They prime you for the explosive pull of the MU. Only do about 3 box jumps, so you don’t get fatigued.



/br bonoboschimp

training 17/08/05

extra training in addition to scheduled gym

10 rounds of:

10 push ups

hill sprint (20 m horisontal, 8 m vertical)

training 17/08/06

mobility drills
20 kg 1x6 strict press, 1x5 front squat, 1x3 snatch, 1x3 OH squat, 1x3 clean
30 kg 1x6 strict press, 1x5 front squat, 1x3 snatch, 1x3 OH squat, 1x3 clean
40 kg 1x3 snatch, 1x3 OH squat, 1x3 clean
45 kg 1x3 clean
OH Squat: 1x6 55 kg
Front Squat: 1x9 75 kg
Power clean: 3x1 70 kg
DL+high pull: 3x1 70 kg
oly-DL: 2x3 80 kg
DL: 1x2 80 kg, 100 kg, 120 kg, 140 kg 150 kg, 160 kg, 170 kg
DL: 1x7 155 kg new pr
neutral grip BW pull ups 7+7+7+7 reps hack squat 20 kg 1x28,
Dumb Bell Pull Over: 1x8 20 kg, 22 kg, 26 kg,
Incl. Bench Press using Dumb Bells: 1x8 2x24 kg, 2x26 kg, 2x30 kg

I like your goals. I don’t think it will take you too long to hit 200kg…the muscle up though can be tricky, at least it was for me.

I second the bar muscle ups over rings. I think it will be easier on the joints and also easier.

I dont think Lat Pulldowns and such will have much carryover.

I was doing 3-5 reps with 135 pounds and was no where near a muscle up. But I do think that weighted pullups are great assistance work to the muscle up.

This is basically what I did to transition from a strong Pullup to an Explosive Muscle Up.


PG=Parallel Grip
3s or 5s = 3 or 5 rep sets

You should use Muscle Up grip for as much of this as possible but if you get sore elbows you can use a PG for a lot of it. Try to keep the grip width as close to your muscle up grip width.

For the Explosive Pullups do them until your reps slow down.

5s @ BW-25+10s means do 5 rep sets at body weight, 5 with 25lbs then add 10 pounds each set until you fail.

Aim for 4-6 sets of this. So lets say you get to 75lbs one day your next workout would probably go BW-25-50-75-85 etc.

Hopefully some of that helps!!!

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thanks for the tips

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training 17/08/08

T-bar row and sprinkling mobility drills and punching heavy bag in between:
1x20 Tbar+0 kg, Tbar+15 kg, Tbar+30 kg
Tbar+45 kg 10+10+10+10+8 reps

alternating Clean and Push press: 5x6 55 kg

extra training 17/08/09

10 rounds of: 10 push ups + hill sprint (20 m horisontal, 8 m vertical)