[quote]InTheZone wrote:
Wow, it's going to be ok Cortes, take a deep breath my man. Shit, you know what happened to me remember? Only three injections and by the fourth I had it too. 2the is totally right bro, I would never rely on proviron with test for gyno protection. The adex is cheap and you've got it on the way now, so you should be ok.
Even before I got the hard tissue under each when mine went bonkers, I had this exact same glandular or horizontal tissue under one nip, just like what you describe. I went to a doctor for that and was told it WAS NOT gyno. Now of course later on I DID get it from the tpp/mast cycle, and it was all together different. It was pea sized HARD lumps directly behind the nips, and definitely painful and very noticeable to the touch. Outward it wasn't noticeable except some nip hardness.
So, the horozontal tissue might not be it, but you do seem to have the symptoms that indicate it's gyno besides that. The hard nips, itchiness, which I never got, etc.. I would suggest starting the nolva immediately at 60-80 the first day, bam..right away, then roll with 40mg a day divided twice, until the symptoms of pain, hardness die down, about a week give or take a couple days, then roll with 30mg/day for several days to a week, and then 20, then 10, then start up on the adex.
I know the nolva suggestion is solid, it worked great for me, but the adex I'm not sure, I would think you start it after the nolva taper, I'll email Schwar and Bushy and see if they can toss in their knowledge to help out too. Hate to see you have to go through this cause I know too well the mental ups n downs that go along with this issue. It's not fun.
Hang in there Cortes, help is on the way, meanwhile I think my advice is good to get you going. Drop the big dose on the first day though, then hit up the protocol I suggested.
Thanks Tone. Yeah, I actually went back and read your thread and noticed that you described almost the exact same thing.
I currently do not have any (spherical?) hard lumps directly behind the nipples, so I’m pretty happy about that. As I’ve said before, this thing is tiny, to the degree that even if I were at a really low bodyfat it wouldn’t be noticeable. So I’m not too worried. Have already started attacking it, too.
I’d like to hear Schwarz and Bushy’s take on this as well. However I also want to say again that I really appreciate the advice I have already received. Thanks a ton to all who have posted with helpful information.