[quote] Brook wrote:
5.0 wrote:
Well, all I have is what I’ve read. I see nothing where nolva helps prolactin or progestin induced gyno. The recommendation is caber, .5mg twice a week.
I have read where after stopping a 19nor, nolva can help, but not while taking it.
You are right, it doesnt (for the record i am not recommending nolva but adex or better yet, letro).
BUT removing the estrogen WILL remove the main hormone that is responsible for causing the problem.
Gyno cannot happen without estrogen IIRC, and tren induced gyno i strongly suspect is dependant on the small(but high enough) levels of estrogen present in the male at the time.
The estrogen built up from the aromatase enzyme converting the excess testosterone is enough to cause gyno in most men… the deca IS a progestin, which acts to aggravate the estrogen much like actual progesterone would.
This makes the existing estrogen even more capable of causing estrogenic sides such as gyno.
It makes estrogen more effective simply.
The answer? Remove the excess estrogen with an effective AI. Adex is fine for most all cases i have seen here so far.
Letro is said to have some anti-progesterone benefits, how true that is i do not know, but could be useful in this situation.
Caber would be good too… but is more expensive, and not as directly effective IMO as all the estrogen would STILL be there even if prolactin is controlled (as would the progestin).
I am not recommending nolvadex.
Not having a go - just sayin
Nice post, but I’m confused as to why you would not recommend nolva then. You’ve got some level of estrogen acting up, probably made worse by the progestin, so you should control it with adex or letro. Fine. But while you’re doing that, why not use nolva as BBB says? nolva is selective and tends to act pretty strongly on breast tissue, so if you’re getting sensitive there I’d think you should use nolva to keep things in control until you get the actual E levels down with adex.
I also suspect you are correct about tren/deca aggravating small E problems. You need E present to have gyno. No E, no gyno. But I think progestins might be pretty good at potentiating E’s effects in breast tissue.