My First Deca Cycle

Im 5’11
32 yrs

m going to use 400mgs of Deca for 12 weeks,after 3 weeks Nolvadex at 40mg for the first 10 days, then drop to 20mg for the duration for a total of about 4 weeks. I plan on having a great diet and eating lots and have a good workout planed. Will this be enough to see and keep great gains?

[quote]PNW wrote:
Im 5’11
32 yrs

m going to use 400mgs of Deca for 12 weeks,after 3 weeks Nolvadex at 40mg for the first 10 days, then drop to 20mg for the duration for a total of about 4 weeks. I plan on having a great diet and eating lots and have a good workout planed. Will this be enough to see and keep great gains?

I’m curious, why have you chosen a deca only cycle for your first?


[quote]PNW wrote:
Im 5’11
32 yrs

m going to use 400mgs of Deca for 12 weeks,after 3 weeks Nolvadex at 40mg for the first 10 days, then drop to 20mg for the duration for a total of about 4 weeks. I plan on having a great diet and eating lots and have a good workout planed. Will this be enough to see and keep great gains?

If you are 5’11" 165 I would surmise you don’t know the first thing about diet. I’m 5’11" and that was my weight before I ever started lifting.

Also Deca alone is a very bad idea, if you want a working penis. You are 32 but don’t seem to be ready for AAS at all. But if you feel like playing dice with your hormones…

(now I’m waiting to hear the diet excuses that always come after posts like this.)

I plan on having a great diet and eating lots and have a good workout planed.

The correct statement, if you were ready to jump on cycle, would be:

“I HAVE a great diet and EAT lots of food and am DOING a good workout.”

If you do run this cycle at a test to the mix. And run the test 3-4 weeks past the last week of deca, as deca is very supressive.

What baffles me is that everyone knows that posting on this or any forum openly invites criticism, analysis, and scorn. Despite this, people openly post their poorly planned cycles, and when criticized, only get defensive and make up excuses.

If you won’t listen to advice, why post?

Bro, That is a horrible plan. RESEARCH!!

Did you get that plan out of a crackerjack box? Do some research and don’t do that cycle.


Not again.

This guy is going to feel like his dica has fallen off.

For the OP.

This the worst and most damaging thing that am aware of that you could do.

Research and educate yourself for a few months first.

Dumb things like that is why gear is illegal, to protect you from yourself. Hmm, maybe this is Darwin at work, but at 32 perhaps you have already contaminate the gene pool. Yes that was nasty. Study for a while then if you know what you want and need, many here will be glad to suggest refinements.

Someone could suggest a cycle, but that would be wrong on this site. You have to know what you are doing and why, no shortcuts.

i am 6’1
219 pounds
22yrs old

i am looking at mixing deca an susteon . was looking for some advice.

Wait, you said you had been training for 4 years and you are 165@14%?!?!?!

You need to get out of here and stick to the articles on this site. You are currently spinning your wheels, which is bad enough, but you are going to seriously fuck yourself up if you add AAS to the “I don’t know what the hell I’m doing” pot.

I’m guessing you chose Deca because it isn’t converted to DHT in the scalp, and you’re worried about your hairline.

That’s understandable, but the cycle you’ve outlined is a bad idea. First, Deca is a relatively weak compound, and 400mg a week for your first cycle will not get you the gains you’re after. Second, you will suffer from “Deca-Dick”, meaning you could be in a room full of figure competitors begging you for it and you’d be standing there limp.

Many newbs are afraid of testosterone after reading about the sides, but 500mgs/week of test is around twice as potent as an equal amount of Deca, and most guys report little to no side effects at that dose. You should really spend a little more time researching and rethink your first cycle.

[quote]PNW wrote:
Im 5’11
32 yrs

m going to use 400mgs of Deca for 12 weeks,after 3 weeks Nolvadex at 40mg for the first 10 days, then drop to 20mg for the duration for a total of about 4 weeks. I plan on having a great diet and eating lots and have a good workout planed. Will this be enough to see and keep great gains?

The standard beginner cycle is 500 mgs test-e for 10 weeks, run with Arimidex @ .25 mgs per day. Nolva and HCG afterwards.

That said, 165 is pretty light at 5’ 11", but of course I don’t know your situation. There’s a good chance your just not eating enough though. If that’s the case, you should fix that first. (and establishing eating habits can take years, by the way.) Otherwise, you’ll be wasting your money and time on steroids, since you’ll just lose any gains after the cycle.

Fortunately, even if you don’t do more research before starting a cycle, you’ll still probably remain healthy; the health risks of that cycle I mentioned seem to be pretty slight. Hell, you’ll be fine health-wise with a deca only cycle too, though you may need to use Viagra. But either cycle would be a waste of time and money if your eating habits aren’t in place.

Good luck.

Dood I have the same stats as you. Accept one major thing. I am at 195lbs. I got here from years of working out in the gym. From your post we can all tell you have done some light reading on AAS. If everyone here is telling you not to do deca. Don’t do it. Your old enough to make your own decisions, I am not sure if your a hard ass about them. If you want to run a cycle do the one suggested by warden. There are lots of posts in here about first time cycles and how to do them properly and safely, with max gains. I personally have never done a cycle but with my 10 months of research into AAS. I am not ready. I have made more gains busted plateau’s so there is no reason to hit them yet. When I do hit them I am going to bring it over the top and keep what I worked so hard for. Check your diet your work out and sups. There is something your missing if your not gaining at this point in your training. I know how tempting it all sounds but really why not wait. Its your body you only get one.

What do think about 250mg sus every 3rd day… 200mg deca eod… 20mg anavar…ed…?

Been training for over 15 years… but took 3 years off… and have been back training for 18 months…and hit a wall… I’m 510 and 223lbs 12perc body fat …

Why is it so hard for people to start their own threads instead of asking their own questions on somebody else’s?

[quote]Contrl wrote:
Why is it so hard for people to start their own threads instead of asking their own questions on somebody else’s?[/quote]

Ignorant Indifference.

Well if I was to change it and add test to the mix then i would break it down like this.

1-12 400 deca
1-10 250 test
PCT Would still be the Nolva at the same as above.

Thanks for the help and advice.

They said to stop the deca before the test.

It’s all irrelevant however, because you should be in the beginners’ section NOT in the steroids section.

165lbs at 5’11" is utterly pathetic mate, you must look like a bloody twig.