I know there are a lot of options and some come down to personal preference but has anyone thought of a series of templates to go through over a 6-12 month period that work on different aspects? Similar to how a lot of people train with an off season followed by peaking. I assume this might go something like this, I was thinking 2-4 templates or so and the duration on each could vary.
Some full body template, focused more on conditioning
I would guess (but just from a theoric point of view since I haven’t tried) that 5’s Pro, 5x5FSL would allow to push conditioning while retaining strength. The amount of assistance stuff you can do also covers the hypertrophy to some degree since it allows to get more isolation work done and keep the “fitness” level high.
Just a thought. There is a template specifically aimed to fat loss in Forever, Jim wrote it worked great to lose fat, retaining strength and improving overall fitness lever, but it’s meant for experienced intermediates - advanced lifters.