I don’t even know what to say about this shit.
I agree, I am not sure what to say either. Another great example how people try to blame the world for their own stupid choices.
I’m not surprised. Look, in America you can sue tobacco companies for giving you cancer, gun manufacturers for the death of your gangbanger son, and chemical companies for failing to explicitly tell you NOT to drink their bleach.
This is just the next step.
"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."-William Shakespeare
After reading that article, I can’t belive the level that some people would stoop to in order to make a few bucks. We have way to many people in our society who take the easy way out as compared to making positive changes in their life. Ridiculous! I hate it when people blame others for their problems in life…
I saw that article too…(lol) It was good for a laugh, next someone is going to sue t-mag.com for making their muscles too big…(hehehe)
All those in favor of Tort reform, raise their hands!!!
And so it begins…
I bet the NAAFA will be all over this
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.
Eat KFC = Get Fat
Does anyone still take responsibility for their actions?
It sure seems like a minority of people do these days.
If the people filing the suit are serious, they should be eliminated from the gene pool. Unfortunately, “survival of the fittest” doesn’t really work as well anymore. (It takes neither money nor intelligence to reproduce, even multiple times). What is more likely is that they’re looking for fast, easy money. Sure, they have to look like idiots, but what would you do for a 7 or 8 figure bank account? Think about what we all do now for a living - how much “worse” would it be to file a suit against a large company? That’s why this stuff happens - lazy bastards who don’t care how they go about getting their money. I think I liked the quotes from the fat people the best - they had no control, it was a necessity, and then one day they woke up fat.
The good thing is that it shouldnt get anywhere. Why?
because unless he can proove that he ONLY ate the products from ONE manufacturer and no other food at all anywhere, he cannot proove what actually made him fat.
so they want to make this into a class action suit… last i read about it 80% of the US was overweight(at least 10 pounds above the absolute allowable amount) and 60% of the US was obese(40 pounds or more, enough to cause major problems). im thinking that those obese people have all eaten fast food in their lives so that lawyer could have 60% of america behind him. they could sue the cookie companys, donut places, the dudes who make twinkies, and while there at it, they should sue the makers of healthy food because the healthy guys obviously didnt advertise well enough. if the salad companys had better advertising then perhaps they wouldnt have become fat… god forbid they place the blame on themselves where it belongs
Demo and Jared- Word my T-brothas. Unbefuckinlievable. It is NEVER your fault when something bad happens! NEVER! It is society, your parents, the government (well, that one actually applies :P), your neighbor, the store down the street, the guy who you met one time in 3rd grade when he gave a motivational speech about drugs, ANYBODY BUT YOU!!! Kill them. Kill them all. Justifiable homicide, plain and simple.
I would like to take this opportunity to extend offers of employment to all oyou T-men and T-gals. I need goon squads to grab poor innocent people off of the street and drag them into the Golden Arches and force fried food down their throats. Check out my website under employment opportunities. You must be able to do this with a smile-on your face.
A local news station in New York (Fox) had this poor victim on last night. It seem that after his first heart attack and his doctors told him not to eat fast food, he did anyway. He reasoning? “I though that if food tastes good it is good for you.” So he had a second heart atttack and now he is suing.
Can anyone say the third time is the charm?
NBC’s Conan O’Brian(sp?) brought this up on his show last night, he said that the man was sueing for 1million dollars, but he said he would settle out of court for 6 large burrito’s. Hahahahahahah, I almost believed him.
Not surprising that someone who couldn’t be responsible for his own health now wants to hold someone else accountable for his poor choices. This represents the most pathetic part of society.
I would be so pissed if I was on jury duty for this waste of time. Could you imagine a T-mag reader wearing a Testosterone shirt showing up on the jury? No sympathy.
hhaha conan’s tight. i feel like the DA in training day where hes refering to someone who abused our system. He says, “if i saw him on the street, I’d do him (in) myself.” If i knew i could get away with it i probably would. I really hope this guy gets antagonized on all comic shows and rediculed by every single media outlet there is.
The people quoted in that article are beyond STUPID. All people who are that damn stupid deserve all the health problems they have. It just goes to show how idiotic people really are, it’s absolutely disgusting and fat slobs wonder why they are ridiculed.