WTF are you saying?

This might have been posted before, but what’s the STUPIDEST thing some guy at the gym told you? Me, I was doing dips with my legs near straight but close together, and then some 110 lb. guy comes to me and says: “Cross your legs and make sure they’re bent good. You’ll lose the tightness in your ass that way.”


I was doing Russian Twists one day with a dumbell in my hands, and after I finished this guy walks up to me and asks, “What do you need that much lumbar strength for?” Errrr… yeah.

Training hard will get you no where - said by a 50 year old vet, who was about 5% bodyfat and on a permament concoction of AAS, nubain and valium. He couldn’t walk up the stairs without having to catch his breath. Well I guess he was right as he is much bigger than me, and has no injuries, except for vast internal damage, but hey he still looks awesome.

“You should become a trainer.”

I still laugh every time this echo’s in my head- some guy advised not to do full squats, because when he did them he HYPEREXTENDED his knee at the bottom.

Some slappy told me that your hamstring goes from your ankle to your hip.

“Yeah, we took out the squat rack to put in this smith machine, because it’s safer for your knees.”

Mark, Mark, Mark. My gym has a strict rule, no flamingo’s during business hours.

I was doing dumbbell clean & presses and a guy told me I was using a lot of weight but all that momentum was “cheating”
I think he thought I was curling.

uhh…maybe the guy was suggesting you’re a tight ass. (Personally, I wouldn’t know or care, just asking the question)

My favorite was a friend who is now way out of shape, but used to play football(therefore an expert on nutrition). He says that beans are the perfect protien, and you only want to eat Max. 35 grams of protien a day. I know it sounds arrogant, but I don’t waste my time on talking about nutrition with ignorant people. I just say that isn’t what I do and leave it at that.

nothin any told me , expect i see one guy just wondering around the gym from MACHEIN TO MACHIEN , ive never seen him lift a single weight , i see him doing a push downs , then he go to leg extentions , im like huh , then i see him go back to push downs and does a million reps on very low weight with weird form , and hes all yellin and stuff some girl looks at him weird with a smile , she sez it must hurt huh , hes sez yea im workin hard lol

I always get the “wow, you must workout EVERY day for hours, right?” OR the “you workout imitating a bench presswith weights?” - To these I always answer - “no” followed by a incredulous look, and leave them with a confused.

thanks for the posts T-maggers!
hell, it’s just gud to know that we know more than these buncha morons. Go T-mag!

This didn’t happen at the gym; It happened at work. For lunch I was eating 2 cans of tuna fish, right out of the can; no mayo, no nothing. A fat co-worker just came right up to me and said that if I want to control my weight, all I have to do is go to a steam room or sauna: The fat will melt right off. WTF? I’m lean, he’s fat, yet he’s giving me diet advice. WTF ?

diak0 - When talking about ones superiority to others in the area of knowledge, please spell “good” correctly. (Hint: It’s not “gud”.)

Hmmm, maybe you were joking?

“You can’t do squats without a belt.”. I replied: “I have strong abs. Strong abs are more effective than a belt to reduce tension on your lower back (30% more), and belts don’t let abs get strong”. He said, “that’s not true, you need a belt to do squats”. He was the gym trainer.

Well I work at a vitamin shoppe, so Ill modify the topic a little

  1. "I dont want nothin with that ‘may hung’ in it, that stuff can kill you
  2. “i need something to get rid of this gut” (he pats his giant beer belly as I think to myself ‘nothin in here gonna fix that’)
  3. “Im trying to stay away from that creatine junk, thats some scary stuff”

pat–yes, when people ask me if i spend like 4 hours in the gym a day, and i tell them “45 minutes, hour at absolute max” the are flabberghasted!! as for the stupidest thing anyone has said to me, i was doing wide grip pull ups with a 35lb dumbell hanging from the chain, and this guy comes up to me and goes “have you always been good at pull ups?” (i had my headphones on and barely heard him, so i just kind of nodded.)

A girl once told me that dips worked your biceps. I asked why she thought that, and she told me that it was on the machine, so I went to take a look. She was right. This was actually posted on the gravitron machine. The little pictures that show the muscles worked had the biceps highlighted.