I’ll say now i know nothing about steriod use and am probably asking a complete newbie question, but its a legit question, i’m no troll.
With the world strongest man comp taking place in Malta and for those competitors making the final it lasted a week, so how do the athletes deal with this with regard to their steriod usage? Does not using steriods for a week make no difference, do they dose up beforehand, do they have to source or send steriods there?
That doesn’t mean that the athletes have never used, but that they don’t have detectable steroids in their system at the time of testing, if tested. (Not all are, but many are tested and do pass. Sometimes there is a failure.)
That doesn’t mean that the athletes have never used, but that they don’t have detectable steroids in their system at the time of testing, if tested. (Not all are, but many are tested and do pass. Sometimes there is a failure.)[/quote]
I thought WSM was did 100% testing, but no off season testing. I don’t remember where I got that from though.
They shouldnt even drug test, they should just go on the honor system. I bet all those guys are completely natural. they prob just eat clean and workout 3 to 4 times a week and have the occasional protein shake.