what do we do for more grip strength when doing heavy pulls? I currently am only doing wrist curls I need more ideas to get my deadlift over 300kgs my grip is what is letting me down
Hold the bar longer. About all I got have never missed for grip on a DL.
[quote]Reed wrote:
Hold the bar longer. About all I got have never missed for grip on a DL.[/quote]
When you do a set of deadlifts, hold the last rep at the top.
kroc rows
[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
kroc rows[/quote]
Never herd of them
[quote]kenny-mccormick wrote:
[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
kroc rows[/quote]
Never herd of them[/quote]
But without the straps.
I find with DB rows (I do mine like kroc rows anyway) that without straps my grip fails well before my back strength, and additionally I cannot feel my back anyway near as well? But I don’t (think) I have a major grip weakness, strapless deadlift 600lbs etc. So I suppose it will depend whether you’re doing them more for back work or grip strength…and with this I feel I’ve just gone and agreed with doing kroc rows without straps for grip strength.
Oh right it’s like a dumbbell row with pronated hands
Awesome I already do db rows as an accessory so I’ll start adding in some dead hangs and holding my last rep dead lift
Heavy farmer’s walks and rack deadlifts without straps have worked well for me.
“Never drop a deadlift Grip Routine” by JL Holdsworth
A simple grip routine, built around holding the bar for deadlifts.
Farmers walks are really good too.
I’ve been doing RDL’s (10-15 / set) with a hook grip and it’s been frying my forearms.
[quote]kenny-mccormick wrote:
[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
kroc rows[/quote]
Never herd of them[/quote]
Basically select a dumbell row you could normally peform 10-12 reps with very strict form and bang out 15-20 reps with as much body english as needed
While doing 5/3/1 I did strict db rows for reps. First two sets for 10 reps and last one AMRAP going up to 30 reps and increasing the weight whenever I hit 30. Grip never became an issue after these. Whatever you do just needs to increase TUT for grip work.
have you tried using a hook grip? I know George Leeman just pulled over 900 using it, so it can be very effective.
In no particular order:
- Farmers Walk, really builds up grip endurance and forearm strength
- BNS Wrist Roller Strap, takes your shoulder strength limit out of the equation to let you really fry your grip in both directions
- Hold the last rep of deadlifts for as long as you can
- Captain of crush grippers, I keep a some at my desk and knock out a few sets a day
Weaver lifts helped me a lot, also heavy shrug holds for time with fat gripz
Switching to hook grip was tough at first but just doing it repeatedly will help, I think its a more efficient way to pull as I hate the feeling of alternated grip.
[quote]cparker wrote:
Switching to hook grip was tough at first but just doing it repeatedly will help, I think its a more efficient way to pull as I hate the feeling of alternated grip.[/quote]
What was your approach when transitioning? Did you use hook grip a few reps per session and gradually increase it? Did you do any accessory work for it? I have tried but it feels like my hands are too small for the grip. I don’t know if I just need to put in more effort and work at it over a longer period of time like using a clean grip for front squats.
-Captains of crush grippers held for time (don’t just squeeze and release them. Hold them for as long as you can).
Also, on my deadlift day, after my last set of heavy work, I strip a few plates off each side and then do a double overhand pull and hold for as long as I can.