Wow, Fizogen?!!!!

fizogen just came out with a new product “ester-bol and xplo-bol”—2,3-Dianolone-Ester, and Methylxobol (copy and paste from What is 2,3-Dianolone-Ester, and Methylxobol and is the spelling on these prducts off from the real deal like does? Anyways, what does T-Nation think of this product and is 2,3-Dianolone-Ester, and Methylxobol beneficial?


Looks like it’s a creatine, amino acid, NO2 arginine, type mixture with a lot of fancy steroid sounding names to fool newbies into thinking their getting legal juice. You would be better served getting quality BCAA’s and Creatine here at T-Nation.


I can not answer how T-Nation feels about Fizogen, but I will give my opinion.

Personally I am extremely leery of someone marketing supplements with names that are trying to sound like real gear. I was at The Vitamin Shop getting some greens product and noticed the glass case was unlocked and open. I always check in it because once or twice a year they will have TRIBEX or Alpha Male (in weaker formulas) in there marked down substantially. Anyhow I picked up and read the ingredients listed on one of their products and it was a joke. They named it so that it sounded like real gear yet it was a bunch of things that appeared to be roots and such.


lol, thats what I thought…