Also, if it counts, I would say most of the Japanese ones are pretty terrible. Goku, Sailormoon, Inuyasha, est.
Flash Gordon, at least in the movie. No super powers or talents or anything other that ability to play quarterback for the New York Jets. I don’t know about the comic book version though.
Most “WTF? Were-They-Thinking-Hero” goes to Uncle Marvel.
Even more so than Bat-Mite. At least Bat-Mite and Mr Mxyzptlk would get into crazy duels with Bats and Supes caught in the middle. But Uncle Marvel was just odd.
My new “least likable” heroes are the Illuminati, consisting of Tony Stark, Black Bolt, Dr. Strange, and Reed Richards. These douche-nozzels are responsible for World War Hulk and Civil War. Now anytime the Hulk, Thor, or anybody else is beating the shit out of these bastards, I’m happy.
Least favorite “cum-sponge”. The Sentry. Marvel wanted a Superman figure, so they created one. Yet another secret super-serum gives some chump the “power of one million exploding suns”.
The Biggest Loser in Comics. Hank Pym, aka Ant-Man, aka Giant-Man, aka Goliath, aka YellowJacket. Helps found the avengers then gets kicked out for beating his wife. He creates the robot Ultron which then decides to kill Pym and the rest of the human race. Decides to solve his troubles with a few pills and suffers a mental break down as a result. and it goes on and on and on…
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
Lol, I’ve never even heard of half of these superheroes. Maybe our resident nerds can chime in to put an end to the debate.
What say you, nerds?
SSC wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
My vote goes to Swamp Thing. Seriously, does anyone doubt they could beat the crap out of this goober?
Whatthafuhk?! Swamp Thing kicks MAJOR ASS.
Yeah, right. A big, slow, mossy creature made out of sea weed. Scary![/quote]
Read Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing comics, trust me Swamp Thing is no chump.
Anybody remember all the Spider clones? If one clone makes an interesting story, then a million clones must make a freakin’ great story! WRONG! A whole year of spider comics ruined by clones that melt all the time. Grrr…
Also, what about Forge from X-men? I have nothing against him personally, but his so-called mutant power is to invent shit. If he can invent anything, someone fucking tell him to invent a machine that makes humans and mutants get along!
Mothafuggin Squirrel Girl! Are you kidding me?
She did take down Dr. Doom once, though. . .
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
Who the hell is Ace the Bat-Hound?[/quote]
Ace the Bat-Hound is Batman’s ‘canine crimefighting companion’ (I’ll bet that sounded really cool back when he was created in the 1950s):
Krypto the Superdog is supposed to be Superman’s childhood pet. Two problems here: first, how did Kal-El have a pet when he was a baby when Krypton was destroyed. Secondly, how did the dog get off the planet? Maybe he was in the intergalactic kennels when Krypton exploded.
Even so, Krypto is slightly more plausible than Ace: Krypto can fly, so his cape has a practical application. Also, Ace doesn’t need a mask to protect his identity, because, just like Clark Kent, he must wear glasses in everyday life.
I wouldn’t like to live in a world where a Kryptonian dog is allowed to fly around unchecked. Surely he must cause more problems than he solves. Postmen around the world must be shitting bricks.
[quote]roybot wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
Even so, Krypto is slightly more plausible than Ace: Krypto can fly, so his cape has a practical application. Also, Ace doesn’t need a mask to protect his identity, because, just like Clark Kent, he must wear glasses in everyday life.
What IS the practical application of a cape??!
[quote]Bujo wrote:
SSC wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
My vote goes to Swamp Thing. Seriously, does anyone doubt they could beat the crap out of this goober?
Whatthafuhk?! Swamp Thing kicks MAJOR ASS.
Yeah, right. A big, slow, mossy creature made out of sea weed. Scary!
Read Alan Moore’s Swamp Thing comics, trust me Swamp Thing is no chump.[/quote]
No superheroes are ever made out to be chumps, though. Eventually you gotta read through the lines.
[quote]JCS19Y wrote:
Mothafuggin Squirrel Girl! Are you kidding me?[/quote]
But…but…it rhymes! (kinda)
[quote]thaiclinch wrote:
Are you kidding? Did you all forget about Howard Stern’s Fartman?[/quote]
Lol, that was a movie? Damn, Fartman must have rocked.
Rorschach. Wannabe right-wing journalist. Fights crime because his mother was a whore. Doesn’t even have powers.
[quote]roybot wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
Who the hell is Ace the Bat-Hound?
Ace the Bat-Hound is Batman’s ‘canine crimefighting companion’ (I’ll bet that sounded really cool back when he was created back in the 1950s):
Krypto the Superdog is supposed to be Superman’s childhood pet. Two problems here: first, how did Kal-El have a pet when he was a baby when Krypton was destroyed. Secondly, how did the dog get off the planet? Maybe he was in the intergalactic kennels when Krypton exploded.
Even so, Krypto is slightly more plausible than Ace: Krypto can fly, so his cape has a practical application. Also, Ace doesn’t need a mask to protect his identity, because, just like Clark Kent, he must wear glasses in everyday life.
I wouldn’t like to live in a world where a Kryptonian dog is allowed to fly around unchecked. Surely he must cause more problems than he solves. Postmen around the world must be shitting bricks.
Where is Krypto’s junk?
[quote]Otep wrote:
Rorschach. Wannabe right-wing journalist. Fights crime because his mother was a whore. Doesn’t even have powers.
I hope that was sarcasm he was freaking badass in watchmen.
His line after he dumps the grease on that guy in prison is one of my favorite lines ever. “You guys don’t get it, I’m not locked in here with you, you’re locked in here with me.” or something like that.
[quote]JCS19Y wrote:
What IS the practical application of a cape??![/quote]
Capes make the act of flying look cooler, by becoming all billowy and stuff…
Heroes that can’t fly can replicate this effect by jumping off buildings and swinging around on a regular basis.
Look at this picture. Batman lacks the power of flight, but doesn’t allow Superman to upstage him during a photo opportunity. It’s just clever use of wardrobe. Superman has to follow Batman’s lead because if he chose not to wear a cape, he wouldn’t look as cool as Batman, despite being able to fly.
By comparison, Spiderman has no need of a cape, because he creates his own publicity by cleverly selling photos of himself to J. Jonah Jameson (not to be confused with Jennah Jameson who is a filthy whore, and not a cantankerous newpaper magnate - allegedly). That, and the fact that spiders don’t wear capes. But dogs do, apparently.
I still can’t figure out why they wear their underwear on the outside. Any takers?
[quote]caladin wrote:
Where is Krypto’s junk?
Good question. Where do you think Kryptonite came from? They ain’t meteorites…
Either that, or Squirrel Girl’s squirrels stored his nuts away for the winter.
Wolverine. Seriously, I never could stand him and the type of comic super-hero he represented. I used to enjoy any panel showing him getting his butt kicked.
[quote]roybot wrote:
I still can’t figure out why they wear their underwear on the outside. Any takers?
So they have some place to keep their change. Oh wait, that’s what the belt is for. Wait another second, why in the hell is a man wearing a skin tight suit wearing a belt?
[quote]JCS19Y wrote:
Mothafuggin Squirrel Girl! Are you kidding me?[/quote]
She is kinda cute.
Something inside me says i want to shave off the fur, bang the hell out of her, then throw some nuts out the window so she leaves.
[quote]DoubleDuce wrote:
Also, if it counts, I would say most of the Japanese ones are pretty terrible. Goku, Sailormoon, Inuyasha, est. [/quote]
I’m sorry, you can’t possibly mean to say Goku is terrible? He is the definition of unstoppable awesomeness.
If we’re talking about being unlikeable and useless. Matt Parkman or the Cheerleader from Heroes are tied for 1st or last depending on how you look at it.
Angel (not arcangel) bores the hell out of me.
Ok, he can fly really, really, good.