Under Armour Performance Grey shorts!! The Perfect workout short.
Under Armour Performance Grey shorts!! The Perfect workout short.
Speedo shorts (not trunks), or the sin of cycling shorts, but only on a cutting phase!!!
[quote]Mufasa wrote:
Anybody with a link to “Vans”?
…and I must admit a bit of ignorance here…what are “skate” shoes?
(Probably a damn obvious answer, huh?)
Skate shoes are flat soled shoes skateboarders wear. Most comfortable shoe I have ever owned.
Check out Kohl’s department stores, they usually have decent prices.
Whatever happened to court shoes… you know, ones you wear for indoor courts… like racquetteball or squash, which are nice and flat so you don’t twist your ankles?
What about getting some zoobas (preferably the zebra style)?
[quote]SmashMouth wrote:
What about getting some zoobas (preferably the zebra style)?[/quote]
Would you wanna take a roundhouse kick to the face while I was wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.
[quote]redsol1 wrote:
Under Armour Performance Grey shorts!! The Perfect workout short.
With all the Under Armour recommendations I went out to SportMart today and picked up a pair, and while I was at it I got a T as well. My reaction in the store was pretty much, “ugh… I’m wearing plastic.” But I bought them and I’ll give them a go.
If they don’t work out, I’m wearing these from now on, I don’t care how many looks I get.
[quote]miniross wrote:
Speedo shorts (not trunks), or the sin of cycling shorts, but only on a cutting phase!!!
I’ve heard that European men like to wear Speedos and bike shorts and such, whereas, American men prefer to wear… well, men’s clothing. I had no idea that E men (yes I like that abbrevation) also liked to work out in them. Now that the mental image of a gym full of greasy E men wearing gold chains and doing squats in Speedos has warped my mind, I think I’ll go hit myself in the head with a rock. Thank you.
(BTW, just in case–just kidding)
i just buy heavy duty sweat pants at the dollar store. the thick winter ones and cut them into shorts.
[quote]bino wrote:
My reaction in the store was pretty much, “ugh… I’m wearing plastic.”[/quote]
You do understand that for many athletic endeavors, synthetics (“plastic”) have numerous advantages over cotton, right?
Synthetics are not stepping down from cotton. In many circumstances, they’re taking a significant step up. These aren’t your Dad’s polyester dress pants. Cotton is not best for everything, and in fact, is sometimes worst when it comes to sports.
Just FYI…
[quote]bino wrote:
With all the Under Armour recommendations I went out to SportMart today and picked up a pair, and while I was at it I got a T as well. My reaction in the store was pretty much, “ugh… I’m wearing plastic.” But I bought them and I’ll give them a go.
If they don’t work out, I’m wearing these from now on, I don’t care how many looks I get.
you didn’t get the Grey then. THey are made from the raw fiber before it’s drawn and pollished. It feals a lot more like cotton.
Utilikilts are fun, i got mine last year at a local celtic festival. I haven’t worn it to work yet.
I just go with a quality Champion or Russell cotton/polyester blended athletic short. I don’t like just cotton because they tend to hold moisture more and get heavy with sweat. They also have a tendency to warp in the laundry.
[quote]bino wrote:
SmashMouth wrote:
What about getting some zoobas (preferably the zebra style)?
Would you wanna take a roundhouse kick to the face while I was wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.[/quote]
Jeez, Bino, I was just kidding. I’d be the first one to put the boots to a dude wearing those things.
[quote]SmashMouth wrote:
bino wrote:
SmashMouth wrote:
What about getting some zoobas (preferably the zebra style)?
Would you wanna take a roundhouse kick to the face while I was wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.
Jeez, Bino, I was just kidding. I’d be the first one to put the boots to a dude wearing those things.[/quote]
What I said was a quote from Napoleon Dynamite. The Rex Kwon Do scene. Apparently you haven’t seen it. Run, don’t walk, to the nearest Best Buy, not Blockbuster, because you’re gonna want to own this one.
Although, for thinking I was serious, you took it awful well.
[quote]bino wrote:
SmashMouth wrote:
What about getting some zoobas (preferably the zebra style)?
Would you wanna take a roundhouse kick to the face while I was wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.[/quote]
You guys are jealous. Mine are lavendar and lime green and white and GAY. You want me. Dream on.
Okay, you guys were right, I was wrong. Under Armour is great for training in. Modern synthetics rock. Cotton sucks. Literally. I still don’t like the feel of them, but there is no denying their performance.
And now for something completely different: Rarely have I ever seen anyone other than myself do deads at my gym, so when someone does, I notice. Last night this group of 3 mid-30s guys, mid-teen guy, and mid-teen girl come in and bang out a bunch of squats and sumos. They were training this girl, who weighed about a buck ten, and she’s pulling 135 for sets of 5. Knees wobbling, lip quivering–like deadlifting weeble wobble. Just about the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. How can something be so awesome and adorable at the time?