I will need to train only 2 days per week for the following next weeks and will probably give that training schedule/split a go for longer while I am at it, to see how it suits me. After reading and using the strategies in The Damn Best Strength For Naturals workouts for a while, I was thinking on applying some of it with this:
Monday or Tuesday
Hip Thrust
-calf, dips, chins
Thursday or Friday
Front Sq (maybe Hack Squat)
Bb Row (maybe RDL)
-calf, accessory
0. Preparation sets, go up by feel and quickly for 3-5 rep sets.
- Work to a top set of 6-8 reps.
- Back off sets using same weight for 3-5 sets x 3-5 reps. Drop 3 reps from top set. If I get 7 back off to sets of 4. May use eccentrics and/or pauses. Maybe mTors?
- Rest periods just go by feel. More than 1 less than 5 minutes.
- Follow 3 week waves. Go up 5-10 lbs for 2 workouts then go back the same 5-10 lbs for the same reps done 2 weeks ago. Repeat.
- When top set reaches 5rm. Switch next week to 5,4,3,2,1 using 5-10 lbs less on the first set of 5. Do this for 1-3 weeks, depending on how quickly I peak. No back off sets.
- After 1-3 weeks go by feel and switch to 3,2,1 waves for 1-2 weeks up to a max. No back off sets.
- Deload and see where it takes me.
Hip Thrust
- Hip thrusts are done for volume/hypertophy as an assistance movement. Just go by feel and try always to do more weight or more reps or more sets. No back offs, just straight sets for 3-5 sets of 6-10 reps. 1-3 preparatory sets.
Front Squat with Hack Squat alternative
- I like the idea of working the Front Squat as a strength-skill workout, 3-4 sets of 2-4 reps in 3 week waves (2-3 prep sets). Then back off with Hack Squat mTor set to blast the quads. 1 prep set.
- Same as (*) but with no back off sets per se. Use Rows (1-2 sets of 8-12) and maybe RDLs (1 set using same row weight for slow, mTor reps) as back off work.
calf - just do some raises 1-2 mTor sets feel good.
dips, chins - go for total reps over 3 sets supersetted with short rest, aim for doing chins for half the reps of dips.
accessory - tricep, bicep, neck, grip, whatever; it may be nothing.
Thank you for the space to share workout ideas and learn from others…