Workout Help

Hey, Everyone, it’s been a while since i’ve been on. Anyways i could use some help with my workout. Over the summer I really cut down on the eating and dropped from 235lbs to 190lbs and as much as a regret it my strength plumitted to. I’m still not done dieting but as for my goals I need to drop down to 180lbs and improve my bench from it’s now pathetic 155lbs max to my body weight+. So let me give you guys a run down of my workouts and diet and then hopefully you guys can give me some pointers.

DIET- Everyday I eat mostly the same thing, so heres my daily meal. I aimed at high protein, low carbs.
Breakfast-Protein bar(25g protein,35g carbs)330 calories, Water
After workout- Protien shake(20g protein,5g carbs)130 calories
Lunch-I don’t eat it, not until i make 180lbs
Supper-high protein meat(25g protein,35g carbs)330 calories
After second workout- Protein shake(20g protein, 5 g carbs)130 calories

So in total i get about 90 grams of protein and 80 grams of carbs with 920 calories. Now i know I don’t eat enough but I need to cut the weight.

As for my workouts, I workout 4 times a week, twice a day. Along with football practices, i also do 2 running sessions and i’m going to start putting in some Plyometrics.

Heres what my running sessions will look like- 15-20 minutes of stretching, i do alot of stuff like walking lunges and the usuall moving stratches. next this is followed by a quick 10-15 minute run and then 10 mintues of plyometrics.

Now onto the workouts, I lift Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Monday- Flat bench
Incline Dbell press
Tricep pushdowns
Leg extension
stiff leg dead lift
toe raise
Tuesday-Hang clean
Push press
side laterals
lat pull
one arm bent row
pull ups
Thursday-Toe raise
Front squat
Dbell step ups
Dbell lunges
incline bench
Dbell bench
Incline fly Dbell
Friday-Push press
Dbell high pulls
Dbell front raise
rev grip pull downs
low lat pull

Ok i know thats alot, thanks for the help in advance if anyone read that entire thing. Any advice helps.

[quote]jonathan2673 wrote:

So in total i get about 90 grams of protein and 80 grams of carbs with 920 calories. Now i know I don’t eat enough but I need to cut the weight.

Holy shit, no wonder your strength plummeted. That’s Ethiopian-like. You should be eating close to that for every meal. You’re killing your body on that kind of diet and training. Even the most extreme diets you see recomended on here are roughly bodyweight x 10 cals, and with the volume of work you are performing even more is required. You’re food intake is so low your body’s metabolism has crashed. If you start eating much more you will see better fat loss and your strength should start going up again.

Why do you have to cut so much weight anyways? You should be eating like a fucking horse and making crazy gains at that age.

920 calories???

For breakfast this morning I had 8 scrambled eggs and 5 pieces of cheese. I think that’s more than 920 calories right there.

Want to know why your bench isn’t going up? Want to know what you squat isn’t going up?

Try running your car on an empty tank and see how far you get!

So many athletes obsess about bodyfat when it is really not that important. Look at most NFL players, they’re in good shape, 10-12% bodyfat, but MOST aren’t ripped to the bone. Just play your ass off and let bodyfat go where it may. I find it very hard to believe that you are overweight (especially for football) at 190#. You realize that you have to run into other people in the game of football right? The more mass you have, the more they go bouncing backwards and you don’t.

As for your program, I think you just have too much shit in there. Remember that you’re not a bodybuilder. You don’t need to do incline AND flat bench AND incline DB AND flat DB.

Unilateral Leg
Unilateral Press
Tricep Assistance
Posterior Chain Assistance

That’s really all you need. Something like this maybe:

Tricep Assistance
Ab Work

Some Sprints
Hang Clean
Unilateral Leg
Ab Work

Posterior Chain Assistance
Unilateral Press
Ab Work

Some Sprints
Push Press/Jerk
Other random shit that high school guys can’t stop doing such as curls, calf raises, endless crunches, etc. etc.

Yeah, my metabolsim has pretty much hit rock bottom, and now that i’ve lost most the fat i need to start eating more. Thanks for all the help thus far and keep it comming.

[quote]jonathan2673 wrote:
Yeah, my metabolsim has pretty much hit rock bottom, and now that i’ve lost most the fat i need to start eating more. Thanks for all the help thus far and keep it comming.[/quote]

You’ve also lost most of the muscle. It was a pretty poor diet plan.

[quote]jonathan2673 wrote:
Yeah, my metabolsim has pretty much hit rock bottom, and now that i’ve lost most the fat i need to start eating more. Thanks for all the help thus far and keep it comming.[/quote]

Yes, and because you’ve done this your body may very well store a whole bunch of fat again to survive its next round of starvation.

How does this sound for a meal plan?

Breakfast- 2 egg whites, peice of wheat bread,cup of fruit.

After workout- protein bar

Lunch- 2 servings chicken or turkey, 2 cups veggies,1 cup rice.

Supper- serving of protien, fruit, and veggies.

After workout protein shake.

Let me know if this sounds better, i really am not that hungry throughout the day i’m just worried that i need protien for muscle regeneration. Because along with football and lifting i’m working on boxing and volunteer firefighting.

[quote]jonathan2673 wrote:
How does this sound for a meal plan?

Breakfast- 2 egg whites, peice of wheat bread,cup of fruit.

After workout- protein bar

Lunch- 2 servings chicken or turkey, 2 cups veggies,1 cup rice.

Supper- serving of protien, fruit, and veggies.

After workout protein shake.

Let me know if this sounds better, i really am not that hungry throughout the day i’m just worried that i need protien for muscle regeneration. Because along with football and lifting i’m working on boxing and volunteer firefighting.[/quote]

Better but still crap. Why are you trying to lose weight for football? Work on getting stronger and eat lots of healthy food and your body will take care of itself.

I’m going to take a guess and assume your trying to lose weight to get faster? If so forget that eat right get strong. You can drop all the weight in the world but it isnt going do anything if your as weak as a 9 year old girl. Same goes for plyometrics what are you hoping to gain? I doupt they will do anything if your as weak as a turd

Ok well I ahven’t been on this sight for a while and i just refreshed my mind and have a whole new perspective on what i should be doing, considering i just calculated the amount of callories i should be consuming in a day and its 4660. I’m looking into starting all over with my lifting because clearly my muscles can use a refreshing by now. One question i have left is can i get my metabolism back?

I’m going to start eating 5 meals a day each being loaded with callories and mainly protien, and i hear high protien meals help quicken the metabolism. And as for lifting i’ll be back on the low reps, high sets :slight_smile: Thanks and let me know how my metabolism idea will work.

[quote]jonathan2673 wrote:
Ok well I ahven’t been on this sight for a while and i just refreshed my mind and have a whole new perspective on what i should be doing, considering i just calculated the amount of callories i should be consuming in a day and its 4660. I’m looking into starting all over with my lifting because clearly my muscles can use a refreshing by now. One question i have left is can i get my metabolism back?

I’m going to start eating 5 meals a day each being loaded with callories and mainly protien, and i hear high protien meals help quicken the metabolism. And as for lifting i’ll be back on the low reps, high sets :slight_smile: Thanks and let me know how my metabolism idea will work. [/quote]

I would ease into eating big again, maybe bump up the calories in 1000kcal weekly increments over the next few weeks. Otherwise, you could get a big fat gain if you just jump calories by 4000 overnight.