Hi, I have some questions about my workout and what I eat. I read a lot of articles on T-mag, but I am still confused. I’m 6’0 155 and been working out for about 6 months. I gain a lot of strength but little size. I usually workout my arms/back one day, chest/tricepts 2nd day, and legs the third. I started running to see if that helps but people told me that would counteract any muscle gain. Is this true? Another question is, how many calories and protein should you have a day. I drink protein shakes and get about 80-90 grams a day. Is this ok, or should be drinking more? I know how the protein effects the muscle but how does calories affect them? Sorry for asking so many questions, but I’m confused. Thanks!
David, not to be a dick…but try the search engine before posting. Check out the diet manifesto or massive eating articles. Plain and simple eat a lot more…don’t be afraid of getting fat…just eat and you will grow. Getting 80 to 90 grams of protein a day just isn’t gonna cut it. Building is a 3 part triangle…working out…rest…and your DIET STUPID!! (When you read the diet manifesto…you will understand that last comment) If after you read at least those two articles…you have questions…feel free to post!
You didn’t mention your age, so this is a more dificult thing to answer in specifics. I’ll assume you’re young (under 30), and lifting on non-consecutive days. If you’re older, try cutting back to two lifting days a week, with more full body routines around big movements (squat, deadlift, pull-ups, presses). The full body routines would be a good idea any way. You probably aren’t eating enough, and definitely not enough protein. Shoot for 1 gram per pound of body weight minimum. That would be 160+ grams for you now. More as you grow. Increase your total calories by about 500 per day and see where that takes you. Increase more if you still aren’t growing. You can expect your lifts to increase quickly at first, as you gain proficiency in the lifts and ingrain the neural paths. Once things start to taper off, that’s where the real work starts. Strive to add another rep, or a little more iron to the bar every workout. As for the running couteracting ANY muscle gains, simply not true, unless you’re doing 45 minutes plus per run, 3+ days a week. Keep them below that level, preferably less than 30 minutes each. In short, work the muscles hard, then give them the time and building blocks to recover and grow.
Ditto to Whopper’s advise - More protein / more cals - read the articles. Also, remember it is VERY important to get more precise on your cal requirements - they vary widely and are very personal. I’m 5’8 / 182 (up from 176) and require about 3500 cals a day just to gain! Of course part of it is that I workout 5 days a week + cardio after every session. With this method I can gain about 75% muscle to 25% fat ratio without any juice. Also, don’t be afraid to gain quickly - slow scientific gaining (trying to gain just a pound or 2 a week) is next to impossible to keep up.
David: I agree with whopper; “It’s Your Diet Stupid” is NOT a personal attack, but almost a “T-Mag” rallying cry. (If you stay on this site long enough, you’ll see it often). At 6’0, 155 pounds and eating only half the grams of protein you need JUST AT THIS WEIGHT, it’s no wonder you aren’t growing. YOU HAVE TO BEGIN BY READING BOTH 1)“The Dieting Manifesto” and 2) John Berardi’s “Massive Eating” articles.I would venture to say that once you read them, you will find that you are not even CLOSE to the required ratios OR calories needed to pack on the beef. Good luck. Get back to “The Forum” once you read them and these guys will do everything they can to help you…guaranteed…