Well guys, been starting to throw a bit more focus on my proportions and the almighty “X,” and currently im concerned about the width of my legs, it seems like the brunt of my leg work hits my Rectus femoris. Wondering what others do to kinda widen the vastus lateralis At the top of the thigh, if anything, or if im just kinda genetically F’d here lol.
How big are your legs?
havent measured em, but they slightly arch past my hips while still rubbing in the middle, and i have a 34inch waist.
i take that back. I just measured, and im 30inch. Not too familiar with leg measurements though so i dont know how that stands.
[quote]Akuma01 wrote:
i take that back. I just measured, and im 30inch. Not too familiar with leg measurements though so i dont know how that stands.[/quote]
If your legs are 30" but you’re saying you don’t have leg width, you’re doing something very wrong.
Well thats what im trying to figure out. I normally play around with Leg width/angles when doing legs, so i dunno. I mean i know my waist will taper in more when i cut, but my delts seem to overshadow my legs in terms of width
You are ONLY hitting your rec fem? I wonder… what exercises do you do, include volume (setsxreps) exercises, frequency and how long you have been training the upper leg this way…
The rec fem is the ‘kicking’ muscle… extending the knee and flexing the hip, so stuff like knee raises done incorrectly and kicking shit on the floor will train this muscle - albeit you wont be on stage anytime soon!
If you are squatting and leg pressing you are quite simply doing it wrong (much more common that you’d expect so don’t feel bad).
[quote]Clown Face wrote:
POST A PICTURE!!![/quote]
Well i wouldnt say im only hitting my rec fem…how can i put this…It feels like my legs are growing in height moreso than in width, if you get what i mean. Im pretty sure my form is not incorrect.
My exercises change weekly. in terms of quads, I normally perform 3 exercises, alternating weekly between Squats or front squats, Lunges or some form of leg press (whether it be An every angle style, 2 minute presses, or flat out leg presses) and Leg extensions or Hack squats. The volume also changes. Ive been experimenting with different workout programs. My most recent leg day was a Superpump day where no set was less than 15reps.
Leg extension Superset with Leg curl- each 4 sets of 15 reps
Leg press for 4 sets of 15 ended with a Drop set of 3 more sets, all of 15.
Squats for 3 sets of 15 ended with a drop set of 2 more sets, each of 15.
Leg extensions again superset with romanian Deadlifts for 3 sets of 30reps a piece
Followed by finishing my Ham work and my Calf work, but that was essentially my quad work for that day. Weight was relatively light, staying in the range of 135-360 due to the high volume.
And i figured it might be something like weight displacement. Gave ‘Every Angle’ leg training a try. thinking i might have to stick to something like that for a few weeks.
And sorry no pics, Personal thing.
I’m sorry but how is posting a picture of your QUADS…personal???
I don’t think anyone who has ever been asked to post pictures has EVER done it. WHen it is so much easier to help when they do.
The fact that you say “stick to something like that for a few weeks” make me think you greatly underestimate the time needed to make any dramatic change.
I never said posting a pic of my quads is a personal matter, i said i wont post a pic of myself due to a “personal thing,” IE personal reasons, Nor would this picture help answer my question. i didnt ask are my quads wide enough, i asked what others do to help widen theirs.
Since when is cycling programs and techniques considered a bad thing? I know building mass takes a considerable amount of time and consistency in the gym, but one problem arises from consistency; the ability of your muscles to adapt. Cycling different programs every so often allows one to continually provide new forms of stimuli for optimal muscle growth.
did he measure around both legs to get 30 inches?
[quote]bwbski wrote:
did he measure around both legs to get 30 inches?[/quote]
I am not sure but if he has 30 inch legs then his legs are probably wide enough, unless he was talking about his waist. Which I got five bucks who wants to bet that 30 inches is his waist and he is has thighs are 15-20 inches around.
My legs (last time I measured) stand at 30 inches around, but I’m a fat bastard.
I’m sorry but the fact that you won’t post a picture is ridiculous.
The fact that you asked about leg width as you don’t feel they are wide enough. You said “currently im concerned about the width of my legs”. Obviously this mean you don’t think your legs are wide enough.
You may think they aren’t wide enough…we however may just think they are too small!
That is why a picture would help.
“Wondering what others do to kinda widen the vastus lateralis At the top of the thigh…”
Thats my question, im not here to prove anything to anyone. If you dont know, dont comment. If you feel inferior by my whopping 30inch measurement, keep it to yourself rather than attempting to attack me.
And clownface, a picture doesnt change my numbers, nor does it help me with my issue, a picture is nothing to the conversation. The fact that you find it ridiculous doesnt change the fact that the need for it to answer my question is ridiculous in and of itself.
“The fact that you asked about leg width as you don’t feel they are wide enough. You said “currently im concerned about the width of my legs”. Obviously this mean you don’t think your legs are wide enough.”
Shit, well yea. i said i wasnt content with my leg width, there was no deducing necessary.
[quote]Clown Face wrote:
I’m sorry but the fact that you won’t post a picture is ridiculous.
The fact that you asked about leg width as you don’t feel they are wide enough. You said “currently im concerned about the width of my legs”. Obviously this mean you don’t think your legs are wide enough.
You may think they aren’t wide enough…we however may just think they are too small!
That is why a picture would help.
But someone might recognize him on the street because of a leg shot. You know, personal reasons.
…A simple request, i ask what others do to widen their legs and for that question i receive nothing but bullshit attacks and ridicule?
[quote]Akuma01 wrote:
Since when is cycling programs and techniques considered a bad thing? I know building mass takes a considerable amount of time and consistency in the gym, but one problem arises from consistency; the ability of your muscles to adapt. Cycling different programs every so often allows one to continually provide new forms of stimuli for optimal muscle growth.
In and of itself cycling programs and techniques is not a bad thing and can be good.
However, with regard to having a general practice of changing things every few weeks, that can be a real problem.
I couldn’t begin to figure how many experienced lifters there are who, to hear them tell it, are “gaining all the time” and they “add weight or a rep every week” and so forth but the utter and absolute truth is that they are very little different than 5 years ago either in appearance or in weight lifted.
Oh, but they are adding weight or a rep every week! Or most weeks anyway.
Somehow however even after hundreds of weeks, the grand total sum of all these additions is quite small in these cases.
How can this be?
Well, aside from the alternate scenario of gaining/backslding, there is deceiving oneself by constantly switching things.
Initially performance can be well below what capability actually is, thus allowing adding weight or reps every workout for some time.
But finishing no bigger or actually stronger than what had been the case a few weeks ago, had everything really been gotten out of the body when going into the new program.
Oh no, “gains” have stopped!
Time to switch again!
And repeat the cycle endlessly. “Gaining” all the time, yet never.
Now obviously you made a great deal of progress to date and so if at this point you haven’t been there forever, but you may be partially into it already.
At any rate, this is one reason why switching things up constantly can be unproductive.
Whereas making gains on a program that has been continued for a while in fact means real gains.
Why then do some Famous Name Trainers insist you have to switch everything up all the time because “the body has adapted”?
Well, isn’t it a lot easier to collect huge fees when clients see 5-10% strength increases every week?
Since that is not going to be real, the appearance has to be generated. This can be done by constantly switching exercises. Incredible “gains” can thus be had every week, yet a year of such “gains” most assuredly won’t be a 260 or 520% strength increase. Huh, how can one gain 5%-10% every week and yet at the end of the year not really have moved up a vast amount?
By switching programs all the time.
Wow, a response with some actual substance to it. Thank you Bill. I hear what you’re saying here. Main reason why im trying these different programs is because my bodybuilding coach recently recommended this book to me for the specific purpose of program cycling.
Ive been experimenting with different things to find what i like now and from there i would extend these programs into bigger cycling blocks.