Words of Advice?

Alright guys, I’m going to attempt my first 4 plate (405) bench this week.
I was wondering if there were any helpful tips any experienced power lifters have for me? On thursday i hit 365x5 so i figured i would go for the big daddy next week. What got you past the mental barrier of 405 when you first hit it?

Thanks for the help guys and gals :slight_smile:

I’m not that experienced but have you got 395 or 400 yet? Mentally it also helps do not use all 45 plates, end with 25+10+10 and it wont look so bad even though its still 405.

[quote]KingMike wrote:
Alright guys, I’m going to attempt my first 4 plate (405) bench this week.
I was wondering if there were any helpful tips any experienced power lifters have for me? On thursday i hit 365x5 so i figured i would go for the big daddy next week. What got you past the mental barrier of 405 when you first hit it?

Thanks for the help guys and gals :)[/quote]

maybe I’m late on this but…First don’t ‘attempt’ shit…do it!!

yeah, easier said than done sometimes but DON’T let yourself have “an out”. See yourself doing it. If you don’t do board presses maybe consider doing them. You’ll be able to rep 405 off a 2 board so when you go to the chest you’ve “been there before”…

Stay tight, big air, don’t let the weight get in your head. Good luck and let us know how it went!

thanks for the advice strength dog. :slight_smile: i like that, stay tight big air and just do it.

Die, or get strong trying. -me

good luck guy

Ammonia and a big sack will take you a long way in life.


[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:
Ammonia and a big sack will take you a long way in life.


true, even if it’s not your own sack.

DOnt over think it, do the same you always do go through the whole routine of getting into position without thinking about the weight. In addition make sure you don’t jump too much to reach that weight when i did my first 400lb bench I went (in Kilos)
180x1- 396lbs

[quote]CBear84 wrote:

[quote]JPeggEFS wrote:
Ammonia and a big sack will take you a long way in life.


true, even if it’s not your own sack.[/quote]

lol awesome.