So at the high school I graduated from there this is dispute going on because a female who is a senior isn’t getting varsity playing time. It is spreading like wild fire on facebook and all this women are saying how it is so wrong.
Here is what her mom wrote:
As many of you may know this is my daughter Abigail (aka ABBE) She is a Mineral Ridge senior. She has played football for Mineral Ridge for 7 years. This year she should be playing on the varsity team and the coaches aren’t giving her the opportunity to play like she should… Head coach says in front of football players and parents that she is one of the toughest girls he has ever met and that she is the TOUGHEST girl in that school!!
Then tells me afterwards she is one strong girl and that she does EVERYTHING she is asked to do, completes everything, he IS going to play her as much as possible… Did i mention she IS THE ONLY FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYER IN MAHONING AND TRUMBULL COUNTY OR AS THEY SAY IN THIS TRI-COUNT AREA…Now here we are 4 games later and she is NOT playing varsity still. He has played her at the end of one game A PLAY and she did what she was suppose to do, but the other player ran the outside…
He has played her on JV. It has been the rule (until this year it seems) that a senior is not allowed to play on the JV team… He says she IS a part of the varsity team… Lol that’s a joke because she sure isn’t being treated like that from the coach… He told her she was NOT GOOD ENOUGH and SHE IS NOT BENEFICIAL to the team!!! REALLY!?! Coaches making comments about her not being able to handle it because she is a GIRL etc… So I go to this coach and I ask him why she is not playing on the varsity team and he tells me because she IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! And about this play that went wrong…(every kid on that team has made a mistake)
I ask him how he could say that to a kid to their face and he gets closer to my face and louder and says because she IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!!! Had meeting this morning with principle, coach, and athletic director ( who has known her for years) ( did mention the coaching staff and principle are all new this year?) and when brought up what he said he said that is not what he said. That he said she is not good enough to start on the varsity team… LIER!!! And then he said that maybe the last time he said it he may have said that but that’s not what he meant… He denied saying he told her she wasn’t beneficial to the team, but when my daughter was brought in and she said to him that he said that she couldn’t benefit the team…
He again said that’s not what I meant to say… REALLY!?! (Lie #2) and there were more!!! They are saying she should play on JV team because she has put the work into it ( ALL SUMMER) and so she gets play time ( they barely have a JV team) and he will play her when he can… She is the ONLY SENIOR NOT PLAYING ON VARSITY!!! We have had numerous parents, varsity players, other coaches, etc ask us why isn’t she playing on varsity… She has grown up with these boys and played football with her since the 4th grade and they have seen her play and said she should be playing on the varsity team!! They know she can do it!!!
Yes she is a girl but a VERY STRONG ONE!!! As her mother I AM HER BIGGEST SUPPORTER, but even is she was someone else’s daughter and still going through this I would think it is not right!!! She could get hurt just like any of those boys out there can. Is this DISCRIMINATION??? Regardless if you think it is or isn’t can we get some support out there for her!!! Cheer her on!!! Make her name known!!! Thank you in advance for any input everyone has and for supporting her and helping her make a name for herself even if they don’t seem to want to!!! She IS ONE AWSOME GIRL FOOTBALL PLAYER!!!
Is it so hard for women to look at science and go wow men’s bodies are naturally stronger and can gain muscle easier. Maybe the coach isn’t playing her because she will probably get hurt and they’re guys that are alot better than her. I feel like I am taking crazy pills when I read this feminist bullshit.