AMAZING 9 Year Old Girl Football Player

Have you guys and gals seen this video? This little girl is amazing. She is tearing it up and since the video has gone viral it has stirred up a bit of controversy.

So I pose this question to you T-Nation:

What do you think? Do you think it’s ok that this little girl is out there playing a boys sport and dominating it? Would you be ok if a little boy was playing a girls sport (field hockey perhaps?) and just dominating all the other girls?

This girl is bad ass and is the best running back under 4 feet tall since Maurice Jones-Drew.

She is fast ! Looks ridiculous !
If a girl outran my son like that he would have to do some serious amounts of sprint training.

Good for her, however I think as everyone her age eventually hits puberty, her situation will probably change.
Cool stuff though.

[quote]pstianb wrote:
She is fast ! Looks ridiculous !
If a girl outran my son like that he would have to do some serious amounts of sprint training.[/quote]

at that age, girls are more developed than males. it’s normal to see girls at the same age or even a year younger to be faster than the guys

[quote]Rico Suave wrote:

[quote]pstianb wrote:
She is fast ! Looks ridiculous !
If a girl outran my son like that he would have to do some serious amounts of sprint training.[/quote]

at that age, girls are more developed than males. it’s normal to see girls at the same age or even a year younger to be faster than the guys[/quote]

Oh yeah and most of the boys she’s playing against/with are 11 year olds lol

Very cool for her.

It will not last though. Women don’t have the build or the test levels once puberty hits to keep up with men.

Although the question about field hockey is valid, no doubt guys won’t do it because they’d be shamed by their peers for it (and rightfully so.)

We all know it’s a one-way street for that shit, only women are allowed into guys sports because it’s “politically correct,” but whatever.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
Very cool for her.

It will not last though. Women don’t have the build or the test levels once puberty hits to keep up with men.

Although the question about field hockey is valid, no doubt guys won’t do it because they’d be shamed by their peers for it (and rightfully so.)

We all know it’s a one-way street for that shit, only women are allowed into guys sports because it’s “politically correct,” but whatever. [/quote]

I played volleyball in high school.

Amazon white bitches everywhere

This video pissed my 13 year old son off so bad. I showed it to him on Yahoo!, then called him into the room when it was on Sportscenter, and then on the NFL Network. I don’t know if it is his shame in seeing her hit harder than he does or what exactly, but it puts him in a rage.

[quote]gregron wrote:

What do you think? Do you think it’s ok that this little girl is out there playing a boys sport and dominating it?

Would you be ok if a little boy was playing a girls sport (field hockey perhaps?) and just dominating all the other girls?


1st question: Yes, on average girls are physiologically inferior to boys, so if a girl can out perform boys good on her, and it should give them motivation to stop playing video games and be better.

2nd question: No, same reason as above.

Actually wait: Boys & Girls at that age are pretty similar strength/speed wise, so why not just let them play against each other. Once puberty starts then separate them to make things fair.


I think it’s fine for a girl to play with the boys if she can and wants too. I don’t think boys should be able to play with the girls though. Sounds like a double standard but it is what’s fair.

^^how is that fair? It’s textbook sexism.

[quote]on edge wrote:

I think it’s fine for a girl to play with the boys if she can and wants too. I don’t think boys should be able to play with the girls though. Sounds like a double standard but it is what’s fair.[/quote]

That is actually the textbook definition of “not fair.” And “Double standard.”

[quote]doogie wrote:
This video pissed my 13 year old son off so bad. I showed it to him on Yahoo!, then called him into the room when it was on Sportscenter, and then on the NFL Network. I don’t know if it is his shame in seeing her hit harder than he does or what exactly, but it puts him in a rage. [/quote]
Lol, I can see this.

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

Although the question about field hockey is valid, no doubt guys won’t do it because they’d be shamed by their peers for it (and rightfully so.)

We all know it’s a one-way street for that shit, only women are allowed into guys sports because it’s “politically correct,” but whatever. [/quote]

Isn’t that how men got into gymnastics and volleyball?

[quote]gregron wrote:
^^how is that fair? It’s textbook sexism.[/quote]

No its not. Boys would go and crush the girls in the girl sports. It rare for a girl to be able to compete with the boys and exceedingly rare for one to be able to dominate.

Someone above said girls are more physically advanced than boys at that age. It’s not true at all. Before puberty they are closer in physical ability but still not equal. In grammar school there were girls faster than me but all the way thru, grades 1-6, the top 5-10 fastest kids were always boys.

she’s awesome! great footwork at 2:30

I view her situation similar to age groups for youth leagues and weight classes for fighting/powerlifting.
If someone wants to compete in a tougher group/class, it’s ok because there are no advantages conferred. If they want to compete in a younger or lighter group, it’s unfair.

I guess this is sexist, considering I’m essentially saying that the male groupings in these sports are tougher than the female groups, but it’s true in the vast majority of cases.

Video would’ve been much better with benny hill theme instead of whatever that shit was.

[quote]Johnny T Frisk wrote:
Video would’ve been much better with benny hill theme instead of whatever that shit was.[/quote]

I had to turn the sound off, that was horrible. Benny Hill would have been perfect. Good call.

[quote]on edge wrote:

[quote]gregron wrote:
^^how is that fair? It’s textbook sexism.[/quote]

No its not.

how is it not textbook sexism?

She’s dominating boys in the boys sport. What’s the difference? How does that in any way take away from the fact that this is a double standard based on sexism?

[quote]gregron wrote:

[quote]on edge wrote:

[quote]gregron wrote:
^^how is that fair? It’s textbook sexism.[/quote]

No its not.

how is it not textbook sexism?

She’s dominating boys in the boys sport. What’s the difference? How does that in any way take away from the fact that this is a double standard based on sexism?[/quote]

It doesn’t. Some double standards based on sexism are appropriate.