Foam Roll Glutes/Quads
Stretch Quads/ Pigeon Stretch for Glutes
Deadbug x 60sec
Glute Bridges x 60sec
KB Goblet Squat 2x5 tempo 3:2:1
KB Swings 2x 12
Main1: Speed Squats to box w/ 80# chains 10x3 @ 45% w/ 30sec rest (primes the DL)
Main 2: ME Deadlifts off 3" Blocks Top 3 w/ 120# of Chains
A1: Landmine Bi-LAteral Row 4x12
A2: Heavy Front Squat HOLDS 4x15 seconds @ 275, 300, 325, 350
A3: Ab wheel 4x12
Finisher: 2 minutes Physioball Hamstring Curls