Wolf's Training Log: Strongman Conditoning

Foam Roll Adductors x 60 sec each
Stretch adductors (Adductor hip rock back) x 60se/side
Cossak to Curtsey Lunge x 60sec
Banded Marches x 60sec
Explosive Skips x 20 total

Main Move: YOKE
6x50 yard runs @ 165, 205, 255, 305, 355, 405 Resting 1-2 min

Main 2: Sandbag to shoulder EMOM 10 minutes
every minute on the minute perform 2 sandbags to shoulder as quickly as you can resting the remainder of the minute @ 165# bag

Rest 3-5 minutes

Sangbag throw series: 5 total rounds 4 sandbags throws over bar for time resting 2 minutes between sets @ 15, 20, 25, 30#

3-5 minute rest

Assault Bike 50 kcal burn for time

3-5 minute recovery breathing