'Wish I Wouldn't Have Written That'

You have written a bunch of programs. Out of all of the 5/3/1 programs, templates and challenges, Are there any you wish you wouldn’t have written or looked back on and wondered “what was I thinking”?

[quote]obrnpwrlftr wrote:
You have written a bunch of programs. Out of all of the 5/3/1 programs, templates and challenges, Are there any you wish you wouldn’t have written or looked back on and wondered “what was I thinking”?[/quote]

I don’t think there is one. You have to understand that I believe in PRINCIPLES, as I have been stressing this for so damn long that I think people are sick of hearing that. But those 4 principles are what everything is based on. Also, understand that every template and set/rep combo (there are dozens of variations) has been tested by me or a trusted, experienced friend. I take great pride in what I do.

Everything template/program/challenge has it’s place in a lifter’s lifespan; the two differences are age (both real age and training age) and emotional commitment. If people are willing to work pretty damn hard and eat/sleep right (which is very rare), in 10 years they will suddenly be accused of having great genetics.

Like Rolling Stone once wrote about Mastodon, calling themselves overnight sensations. Except for the 10 years they lived in a van, touring the country.