OK, this may be a strange one. but i was wondering if any of you all could ease my mind on this. i just noticed today that my left testicle is much harder then my right one, not rock hard, but harder all over, also slightly smaller perhaps. is there any reasonable explanation for this, do they grow and shrink pretty much as they please? any answers would be greatly appreciated, this has really freaked me out.
Let me just say that I hope it is normal.
What up, Carson? Love you on TRL! I’m surprised you even HAVE testes! OH, WAIT! You aren’t that Carson. My bad! As for the firmness of your sperm-churners, I don’t know about that part. (As I haven’t, nor will, felt your meatballs).
As far as the size or shape difference of your sack inhabitants, let me assure you that they are NOT supposed to be the same size or shape. If those crackers were the same size and shape they would knock together like a Michael Strahan’s helmet into Jonathan Ogden’s. No man needs to hear klickety-klack while walking into Texaco to pay for the day’s gas. But let me add that if you experience pain, please visit a doctor and find out if your berries are up to par.
The Infamous C-Dub
One nut has to be lower then the other. Can you imagine them rubbing together all day. Ouch!!!
I have never noticed that on me bro, i dont want to worry you even more but you should really go and ask a doctor about it. It could be nothing, but its best to be safe.
I think the doc has to feel your testicles to check it out, pretty embarrassing but its the best to get it checked out. Besides it MAY be some hottie doc.
It’s probably nothing since there are no two testicles that are completely alike. It’s important to examine your testicles here and there, because if it gets any worse it’s definitely something. Size of testicles may also vary.It is very possible that one of your testicles simply works better(plus,remember the sex-your testicles are not exactly the same before and after). Check out if the harder testicle has any vein dilatations.
Again,I think it’s nothing, but if it gets any worse, see a doctor.
this is probably the wrong place to try and get medical advice. but have them checked by a urologist asap. changes in firmness can be a possible early warning sign of a couple of things (not going to say what they are, that can make you worry and actually make it worse, you’ll start to feel for changes more often and that can exaggerate some problems) get them checked
A few years back, I noticed that one of my testicles was misshapen… It worried the hell out of me, and I’m not the kind of person that gets worried about most anything-- I think my deep down my mind knew something was wrong. I went to the doc, and sure enough, testicular cancer. One of my nuts was going to leave me. Man, I was so depressed about it… my nutsack was like an insanasylum that has terrible security! Well, after the op, things got better… my remaining testicle grew double-size! Then, I got a cosmetic operation which put a testicular implant into my scrotum, same size as the other nut, to give my 2 whopping testicles in my enormus sack. These days, I always wear a Speedo to the pool, sportin my boys (one natural and one adopted) with pride! So, don’t feel scared… Even if you have the worst thing possible happen to you, things work out for the best. Turn your lemons to lemonade! There’s a silver lining at the edge of every cloud! OK, enough of this… With all of this inspirational talk, I’m starting to sound like Bill Phillips (It’s probably because I have only one testicle)
booga> how does only having one testicle affect your natural test production? ive always wondered about that… also, have you did any cycles with only one?
Well, I think that whenever my testicle grew double sized, it started producing double amounts of test. I had my levels checked shortly after removal and they were in the 900s. I’ve never done a cycle with only one nut, although I’m going to do one in a few months. I don’t imagine I’ll have any probs, since I basically have 2 nuts in one…
mine are like chickpeas and hide up in my stomach so i wouldnt know......