posted few days ago about building obliques, but just wondering if anyone has any input on what to do about hip bones sticking out and making more of an hourglass appearence. should i build a thick core/trunk. basically they stick out and line up with upper portion of ribcage, my shoulders are slightly wider, basically my upper body tapers further in then my hips. currently doing waterbury’s total body training. thanks for any help at all.
Perhaps you should try CT’s shoulder overhaul. Large imposing shoulders will always make your waist area look smaller and give your top a v shape. Also work your lats a lot and it will contribute as well.
You can’t really change the size of your bones. However, I’m somewhat confused by your question: Do you WANT an hourglass figure? If so, you need to work to develop your deltoids and lats while tuning in your diet to widdle away fat around the midsection.
Stay strong
Mike, he wants to get rid of the hourglass.
What I would do is keep the diet in check to make for low body-fat, and then work on upper body mass, while trying to avoid lower body hypertrophy. How do you avoid it? On heavy leg days do very low volume like 3x3 or 1x6 with 3min rest and on lighter days do some endurance work such as cycling. Also to avoid hypertrophy it’s good to get in a rut, like doing the same thing for months and months.
[quote]w2097 wrote:
Mike, he wants to get rid of the hourglass.
What I would do is keep the diet in check to make for low body-fat, and then work on upper body mass, while trying to avoid lower body hypertrophy. How do you avoid it? On heavy leg days do very low volume like 3x3 or 1x6 with 3min rest and on lighter days do some endurance work such as cycling. Also to avoid hypertrophy it’s good to get in a rut, like doing the same thing for months and months.[/quote]
I am really confused as to how you can offer these types of exercise prescriptions without more information. With the exception of a very few lifters, almost EVERYone needs more lower body hypertrophy.
And for all we know, this guy could be 5’11", 135lbs, and concerned that his hip bones stick out.
Also, I really fail to see how getting into a rut can be good for anyone.
I don’t mean to be a dick, but after reading your last few posts, I really just have to ask-- where exactly do you get your information?
RIT Jared
[quote]RIT Jared wrote:
With the exception of a very few lifters, almost EVERYone needs more lower body hypertrophy.
RIT Jared
That’s not true at all…if I could prevent getting my legs any bigger, I would. Fitting into cloths is a bitch. It’s not like I am monstrous or horrendously fat (16%). But at 220lbs%16%, allot of my weight in in my legs…always has been. With a size 34waist, I’m not petite, but buying only relaxed fit pants is pretty limiting, and wearing sweatpants/pajama bottoms at work is not acceptable (although it’s all I wear at home)
The only downside to avoiding hypertrophy lifts in the legs, is that I love squatting heavy.
You walk into any commercial gym in america and tell me how many guys you see that don’t need bigger legs.
Anyway, vapor, may I suggest that you post a picture so we all can see exactly what you’re talking about with regard to the hourglass figure?
RIT Jared
[quote]RIT Jared wrote:
You walk into any commercial gym in america and tell me how many guys you see that don’t need bigger legs.[/quote]
You’re correct, for me it’s just genetics…I’ll be wearing “relaxed fit” pants, no matter how much, or how little I lift…and no matter what my BF% is…unless I turn into a 120lbs skinny bastard.
No I have the same issue with my hips- it makes any taper seem weird. I think the more strength trainging is a good approach, because, for me, pants are a bitch- they fit in the waist but not the legs
SM, i have a similar problem-i think the only bodyparts i have that truly grow are my quads!! i used to have to buy 38" relaxed fit jeans (with a 30 inch waist) but have since used bodyweight squats and running to keep my legs in shape. it brought down the size a bit, and i’m still (relatively) fast and lean.
as far as correcting the hip issue, i’d do as reccomeded above-focus on cardio for the legs and try to mass your shoulders up. hell, ya might want to focus on only shoulders for a while, and then start adding other stuff in…
appreciate all of the input. trying get rid of the hourglass shape. Can’t post pic (no digital cam). about 5’11, 150. LIke I said, need to bulk more, but still unusual bone structure makes me think i need to focus on doing specific things while bulking. thanks for any help.