Why Oranges?

I have seen many bodybuilder diets, and a lot of them are eating several oranges through out the day.

Why is that? Is it beacuse of the Vit C for keeping Cortisol down?

Wouldn’t Vit C tablets work just the same?

Yeah you nailed it. I do to take vit c chewables. Eat oranges sometimes. I won’t hesitate to drop 3-6 grams some days when I’m feeling sick or something coming on.

For instance even with the stress of working out and such. I can get the same sickness as a co-worker and get over it in half the time. I attribute it from loading up on vit c and drinking loads of water:D.

They’re full of vitamins, and are a great moderate (43) glycemic carb source… why not?

While oranges are an excellent food, the vitamin C content alone does not explain its popularity. It takes around two pounds of oranges to get 500mg of vitamin C. You could eat half that weight in broccoli and get the same nutrients (vitamin and mineral content, they have around the same amount of fiber).

Oranges have many beneficial phytochemicals in them including d-glucarate which are helpful for detoxification (including estrogen). I suspect this is more the reason than vitC.

I eat oranges because they are sweet and cheap. Yeah, I usually eat around 1-2lbs per day. 2 in the morning and 4-6 PWO. About the size of a baseball. I let my GNC multi do the rest in regards to my vitamins.

[quote]Peter Orban wrote:
While oranges are an excellent food, the vitamin C content alone does not explain its popularity. It takes around two pounds of oranges to get 500mg of vitamin C.

You could eat half that weight in broccoli and get the same nutrients (vitamin and mineral content, they have around the same amount of fiber).

Oranges have many beneficial phytochemicals in them including d-glucarate which are helpful for detoxification (including estrogen). I suspect this is more the reason than vitC.[/quote]

Dude Peter, Your supplement stack in your avi is nuts


Agreed with the above post that oranges are probably eaten more for its overall benefits that its Vit-C content. Science is great, but there is still much that is undiscovered, so screw the pill popping and just eat the thing.