Why is the Deadlift Lockout Necessary?

@CT this may be a dumb question but why is the lockout necessary in the deadlift? I see olympic lifters do the lift without a lockout for the reasoning of transferring the lift to their clean or snatch and they have excellent posterior chain development. Is the lockout just a power lifting thing for judging during a sport?

Olympic lifters cut short the lift short of lockout for very specific training purposes. They do have excellent posterior chain development, but remember that they do heavy, explosive pulls every day that they train.

I’d probably say that yes, the lockout portion of the deadlift is only really necessary if you’re a powerlifter.

As it was already mentioned earlier…

  1. Doing only the first 2/3rd of the range of motion of those deadlifts is not so much to build maximal strength but to A) work on the technique of the first pull, bringing the bar from the floor to the hips B) strengthen the POSITIONS involved in the first pull.

  2. Olympic lifters do TONS of work for the posterior chain with the competitive lifts, power variations and explosive pulls. If you essentially do snatches, cleans, squats, front squats and pulls daily (sometimes twice daily) you WILL get great posterior chain development… it’s not a few sets of first pulls that is the big reason for the growth…its all the basic stuff causing the growth.

Heck… Lu Xiaojun does 2-3 sets of lateral raises after his workouts… but he’s also doing tons of very heavy overhead work everyday… do you really think the 2-3 sets of laterals are doing it?

  1. In powerlifting it is well known that those who are weak at the lockout have relatively weaker glutes. So cutting the lockout out of your deadlifting will have a negative impact on your glutes development.

Again 2/3rd deadlifts are a TECHNICAL exercise. BTW I’m doing my snatch deadlifts that way, so I do like it… but I’m doing them as a technical and positional exercise.