Why Do We Weigh the Same

you did answer your own question. i’m pretty familiar with this myself. it can be frustating. i think this stems from the fact that most men carry very little weight in their upper-legs. as an olympic lifter i have bigger than average thighs, though hardly what i’d call huge. i currenly weigh around 210 and no one believes it.

most people assume if you are 200-plus you are going to be fat. i had one person guess my weight at 175 and i actually weighted about 230 at the time.

Matgic hit it; why do you care? Unless you are trying to make or lose for a weight class in a specific sport why does other people’s appearance matter?

Just wondering… focus on yourself and just keep training.

[quote]firebug9 wrote:
chewie wrote:
relativelyfunguy wrote:

I laugh every time I see this name.

That is all.

ME as well![/quote]

Makes me think of a dude with an overbite and pocket protector wearing sweaters that mommy knitted. NORMAN!

I’m sure that you and I are probably of a similar age, so part of this probably has to do with our age as well as training age.

My freshman year of college, (I’m a junior now) my roommate and best friend weighed the same as me. We were both 175 although he was an inch or two taller. But given his leanness and body structure, he generally looked more impressive. This beat me up, and it wasn’t till I really got past 190 that people started noticing the difference.

He hasn’t really worked out since HS and pays no attention to what he eats, yet stays quite lean. In any case, the temporary solution is to just get bigger. I hated being asked if I worked out, I wanted people to know that I did just from looking at me.

But beyond that, you’ll have to learn to appreciate how far that YOU have come. There will always be someone bigger, stronger and/or leaner.

And well, if you haven’t come that far, then you probably won’t have that great of a feeling about your accomplishments. Make smaller goals and learn to feel good when you hit them. Good luck man, I know that this is easier said than done.


they could be shorter you could be fatter they might only bench/curl they arent stronger than you if you do squats/deadlifts at least they shouldnt be who do you know that can just walk into a gym and deadlift/squat more than you after youve trained especialy them weighing 175 not to many… I HOPE!

your bigger than them if your stronger

well about 8 weeks ago I did 4-5 reps of 225-230 pound squats going about down to 90 degrees, and now I know I could do 225-230 for about 5-6 reps and control it a little bit more,

and this other kid that i talked to whom i saw doing squats yesterday with what i believe was about 230-240 with a belt on and only going 1/4 of the way down. he looks much bigger than me, as in looks like he lifts, and benches around 330 for his max, and yet he weighs the same as me. If I wore a belt for that much weight and went down as far as he did, I could do it too. But I know for a fact I’m nowhere near 325 for bench max, maybe 240 if lucky.

Sometimes perfect form isn’t neccessarily best for size. sometimes it is, sometimes its not. Watch some proffessional bodybuilders work out, and you will realize many dont use a full ROM or have poor form. Also, keep in mind that some supplements can help you hold water in your muscles, making you look a few pounds heavier.

One last thing to keep in mind is fiber distribution and quanity. A pound of muscle in one person may be structure a little different then a pound in another, thus taking up a different quantity of space. Think of a bodybuilder vs. powerlifter.

If it makes you feel any better, I feel small at college, and I have thirty pounds on you. I go to a 2nd division college (Washburn), and I would say strength wise, I am in the top ten percent, but there are a handful of washburn football players that make me feel like tiny tim.

Nothing makes me feel better then having a bunch of foreign born students coming up to me asking for training advice. I think the most satisfying thing is when people quit asking “Do you work out” and start asking “do you take steroids”

I would tend to agree with the others: you are fatter, they have more muscle. A lot of top amateur bodybuilders are under 200lbs but look much bigger because their muscle to fat ratio is very high. When talking about looking good, weight isn’t that relevent. Consider that:

  1. Even a small height difference can mean a lot. Normally we are talking about a 5-7lbs per inch difference in proportion. Basically this means that if you are 5’9’’ and another guy is 5’7’’ and 175lbs; if everything is in proportion (muscle and fat) you’d have to be around 185lbs to look as big as he does.

  2. Body fat percentage makes a huge difference in look. Even small differences in body fat counts… forexample at 175lbs, 5% bodyfat = close to 9lbs of fat. So if you have 5% more fat than they do, it means that they have 9lbs more muscle than you do.

These 2 factors alone can make a huge difference, especially if you consider that very few guys can actually add more than 10lbs of MUSCLE in one year of training.

  1. You also have to consider body structure… if they have naturally broader shoulders and a shorter torso than you, they’ll look bigger. If they have better and fuller muscle shape they’ll also look bigger

[quote]relativelyfunguy wrote:
well about 8 weeks ago I did 4-5 reps of 225-230 pound squats going about down to 90 degrees, and now I know I could do 225-230 for about 5-6 reps and control it a little bit more,

and this other kid that i talked to whom i saw doing squats yesterday with what i believe was about 230-240 with a belt on and only going 1/4 of the way down. he looks much bigger than me, as in looks like he lifts, and benches around 330 for his max, and yet he weighs the same as me. If I wore a belt for that much weight and went down as far as he did, I could do it too. But I know for a fact I’m nowhere near 325 for bench max, maybe 240 if lucky. [/quote]

Get your squat up… do your self a favor eat a shit load and train like a powerlifter other than that download the song stricken when you work out dont “try to use more weight” use more weight the only way you should know if you dont have the weight is if its stuck on top of you but realy music can realy bring alot of strength out of you

@ 5’7" and 175 I only have 14.5" arms. Many with my weight/size have 15.5 plus. It’s a bummer, but so what?

Stop worrying about what other peoples numbers are and work on yours.