Just to clear things up on the CNS fatigue issue… how are your other lifts doing?
Are you partying a lot? getting enough sleep? and remember you have to up the calories doing both football and lifting.
315 is warm up zone, your definitely burning out, but Ive never seen it that bad.
losing 100 pounds on any lift is a pretty clear indication something is wrong.
Sometimes I go down to 315 after my last set and burn out with a really bad ass drop set
You should always be able to force 315 up, no matter how tired you are if you can pull 405 at least once.
If your running out of gas like that your probably not eating enough.
[quote]bignate wrote:
ok so my best deadlift is 415x2, at my meet i pulled 405x1 after 3 days of no lifting activity, lately during the football season and even before that started i havent been able to crack 315 off the ground and if i can i can hardly do it,
today i did rack pulls from just abocve the knee and it still wouldnt budge what the fuck!
its now football season and i think i should only deadllift every other week, but i mean what can i do!!! i feel it in my lower back so maybe that needs tons of strengthening, suggestions please?
anyone else have this problem?[/quote]
i kind of funny your having this problem, couse i’m haveing the same problem right now 9 weeks from a meet. happened at my very first meet also. i’ve been advised to take a complete week off everything and just rest. it kind of sux,but since ur in football sleep is ganna be a great factor, get plenty off it and lay off weights for week or so and you will rebound-always bumps in the road for us to learn from.
[quote]bignate wrote:
ok so my best deadlift is 415x2, at my meet i pulled 405x1 after 3 days of no lifting activity, lately during the football season and even before that started i havent been able to crack 315 off the ground and if i can i can hardly do it,
today i did rack pulls from just abocve the knee and it still wouldnt budge what the fuck!
its now football season and i think i should only deadllift every other week, but i mean what can i do!!! i feel it in my lower back so maybe that needs tons of strengthening, suggestions please?
anyone else have this problem?[/quote]
its kind of funny your having this problem, couse i’m haveing the same problem right now 9 weeks from a meet. happened at my very first meet also. i’ve been advised to take a complete week off everything and just rest. it kind of sux,but since ur in football sleep is ganna be a great factor, get plenty off it and lay off weights for week or so and you will rebound-always bumps in the road for us to learn from.
[quote]duffyj2 wrote:
Just to clear things up on the CNS fatigue issue… how are your other lifts doing?[/quote]
back from a football camp guys, to answer that question:
squat is pretty good, bench is about 20 pounds less than my non fatigued max but i alwasy bench 1 hr afte rpractice or so, i think its just lower back and core strength so i will be doing many reverse hypers(this works it right?) back extenstions and betless box squats, as well as weighted planks for abs.
btw ive been gaining about a pound every other week since it started so i have upped my calories, also i sleep 8-12 hours a night usually 10 if i can.
[quote]bignate wrote:
i sleep 8-12 hours a night usually 10 if i can. :)[/quote]
Haha, that is awesome!
Livin’ it up, baby!