[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:
I really like it and recommend a modified version to my AAS-using friends. I actually recommend an abridged (to compensate for lack of attention span on the part of the average gym goer) version to anyone who asks me what I recommend for nutrition.
“Carbs & veggies for all meals apart from carbs & protein before and during training”. Talking about hyperaminoacidema is like talking in sign language to most of the locals, unfortunately.
Sure, I’m using PEDs, but weight is going up, whilst fat is coming off. More importantly, I feel better in myself, since the muscles are not constantly bulginh with glycogen which I find tires me out, especially around the lower back muscles.
Workouts are more productive and I don’t feel distended, trying to consume large amounts of carbs POW. Overall I feel much happier with my look and this is backed up by comments from folks who haven’t seen me for a while.
Of course, the low test, high-ish tren cycle helps, but it’s certainly not the complete picture.
Thanks for chiming in my friend. So big A, I assume you’re consuming lower glycemic cho before and after the para-wkout time? I wonder further, could you elaborate on your personal take on the carb/protein used in your para wkout nutrition?
That would be great.
How long have you been on this kick anyway? It sounds like it would easily lend itself to extra fat burning, you mentioned about the less distention of the gut being as a result of less glycogen? How does that work when you are taking in a majority of cho during the day over the other 2 macronutrients? Just curious on that mate.
IS it related to the aforementioned state of hyperaminoacidemia, and that obviously occurs as a result of this eating strategy of yours? Please explain buddy…
I understand some major extent is due to the PED’s, lol, but this sounds good if you’re noticing some extra in that area due to said strategy.
Bottom line is I’m intrigued by your post, lol…but when isn’t one intrigued by your posts eh? Lol…
Thanks for any further enlightenment my friend.