Looking forward to hearing how your experience was. Good luck to all your athletes.
[quote]Jimjamin wrote:
Looking forward to hearing how your experience was. Good luck to all your athletes.[/quote]
Alex Vigneault is leading after day 1
hartford ct one more day.
Didn’t see it coming. Watched your guy win his heat on YouTube lastnight. That didn’t look fun!
[quote]OUBobcatLifter wrote:
Didn’t see it coming. Watched your guy win his heat on YouTube lastnight. That didn’t look fun![/quote]
Alex Vigneault and Carol-Ann Reason qualifying for the Games and Jessica Cote-Beaudoin finishing strong on the muscle-up/clean ladder with the 2nd best time despite a completely messed up shoulder.
Congratulations to your athletes! I’m glad you posted about the regionals, it gave me a chance to get down to watch a few of the events. It was great watching Alex competing next to Mathew Fraser. They are beasts!
[quote]bwelker wrote:
Congratulations to your athletes! I’m glad you posted about the regionals, it gave me a chance to get down to watch a few of the events. It was great watching Alex competing next to Mathew Fraser. They are beasts![/quote]
It was a good show… very solid competition. I really like Fraser… funny guy… great athlete, cocky as hell but in a funny way.
CT since you had two of your athletes qualify for the Games, will you be attending also?
[quote]Jimjamin wrote:
CT since you had two of your athletes qualify for the Games, will you be attending also?[/quote]
Very likely, with a coach’s pass
Nice, I’ll definitely be following along. I love watching the Games. Maybe your experience could result in a nice article.