Obama came to power via fraud. He is not a natural born U.S. citizen. The clear proof of that is that, despite 31 lawsuits filed against him demanding he prove his eligibility for the U.S. Presidency, he has instead hired three law firms and spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid discovery and evade a judicial review.
The result is that not one of these 31 cases received a hearing on its merits. But why is it that judges have been unwilling to tackle Obama’s eligibility problem?
The answer is that most now suspect Obama is not eligible and are afraid of the political chaos that would result from such a discovery. They are afraid of what his supporters would do. They know that if they overturn Obama’s presidency, his millions of fans will turn American cities into warzones.
Many people in the mainstream media also suspect that Obama is not eligible. Why are they not speaking out? It is because they know that if they do, they would be harassed by Obama’s fans and perhaps lose their jobs.
The latest news about Obama comes from the New York Times, which reports that Obama wants to:
“…transform the YouTubing-Facebooking-texting-Twittering grass-roots organization that put him in the White House into an instrument of government. That is something that Mr. Obama, who began his career as a community organizer, told aides was a top priority, even before he was elected.”
This means any time Obama makes a decision and faces opposition, he will appeal to his “Twittering grass-roots organization” (a.k.a. the mobile vulgus) to inundate lawmakers with e-mails, phone calls, even threats, in order to intimidate them into compliance and submission to his decisions.
This is not how democracy works. This is the tyranny of majority. This is the definition of mobocracy. It is the recipe for dictatorship.
Funny I actually found it through the profile of a dark skinned man off another bodybuilding site.
Got all this from this interesting read.