[quote]Paste42 wrote:
Rattler wrote:
Anybody else listen to it? Because, I’m seriously looking for something else worth listening to on there besides Howard Stern in the morning. See, I like talk radio because I can only really take so much music while at work. However, I don’t bring my receiver to work, I just listen to it off the web so I don’t have all the channels.
Honestly though, the Playboy channel is absolute shit. The metal station is broadcasted at very low quality and the electronica stations only broadcast pure cheeseball pop house and trance.
Check out the Jason Ellis show on Sirius Faction in the afternoon. Sirius channel 28 or XM channel 42, I think. It’s not in the mornings but just in case you get a chance. I think it starts 12:00 eastern. This guy is a pro skateboarder, amateur MMA fighter, motocross rider, and he’s in a band called Taint-stick. He has a few regular guests on there like ‘Mayhem’ Miller, who’s a crazy ass MMA fighter. Anyways check it out.[/quote]
Agreed ellis is solid and so is faction for music.
I have one year free sirius one my new ride. I recently found the playboy channel, and it is ok sometimes, and it sucks sometimes. I agree with all the truckers calling in being kinda creepy. Also, I hate the sound of allanah evans voice when she does the night show, so I would probably do dirty things to her mouth just show she would shut up. I do like Christy Canyon and Tiffany Gravvidit (spelling?). I am really fond of roadhouse country, it is the kind of country that was popular when I was a kid. (not with kids, but with older people, so I took a liking to it from hearing it a lot).
I love me some XM. Listen to 65 old school to 68 the heat. Then its 20 on 20. I surf from 20-30 and then back to 65-68. Comedy sometimes, espn sometimes and boneyard everyone once in a while. Best $13 a month spent ever.
[quote]lostinthought wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
lostinthought wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
lostinthought wrote:
I love the Verge or XMU…I love it because of all the music that no one knows about. The unsigned artists and obscure bands out there are great.
Are you one of those guys that likes a band until other people find out about them, and then somehow stops liking them because they’re too mainstream?
Bingo. That’s how I roll.
No offense, but no one in the entire world cares if you knew about a band before anyone else. Also, I think you’re trying too hard to be different. If you like a band, you like a band. No big deal. Shit, I like Michelle Branch.
Who doesn’t? She’s hot! [/quote]
Lol, and she married an old dude!
Sorry if my above post came across a little douchey, I must have forgotten my tampons that day.
[quote]LankyMofo wrote:
lostinthought wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
lostinthought wrote:
LankyMofo wrote:
lostinthought wrote:
I love the Verge or XMU…I love it because of all the music that no one knows about. The unsigned artists and obscure bands out there are great.
Are you one of those guys that likes a band until other people find out about them, and then somehow stops liking them because they’re too mainstream?
Bingo. That’s how I roll.
No offense, but no one in the entire world cares if you knew about a band before anyone else. Also, I think you’re trying too hard to be different. If you like a band, you like a band. No big deal. Shit, I like Michelle Branch.
Who doesn’t? She’s hot!
Lol, and she married an old dude!
Sorry if my above post came across a little douchey, I must have forgotten my tampons that day.
No worries brother…who is she married to? She did a layout for maxim years ago…I still think about it.
Octane, Sirius 20, or XM 48 - That’s my station of preference… Liquid Metal (formerly Hard Attack on Sirius) certain days as well. That’s about it for me…