Which Supplements to Take?

I’ve done a fair bit of reading and it appears to me that the holy three are:


I’ve added to that:

Multi vit
Omega 3 capsules

Does this look like the right kind of supplements to be taking - in your experience. Is there anything I should add, or substitute?

Its impossible to make a general statement, since your supplement intake should be based on your diet (what you lack in your diet, you supplement)

Most people (except those eating fish almost every day) need more Fish Oil.

Whey Protein is more or less a convenience thing, since its simpler and faster (esp post workout) than a real meal. Also, if you like a particular meal very much, but it doesn’t contain enough protein you can still eat what you want and simply add a shake in between. Its usually not really ‘needed’ except when you’re cutting, since a proper diet should contain enough protein.

If you do eat lots of meat, eggs, fish and poultry you don’t need additional creatine, otherwise you should supplement it.

That goes for every ‘mainstream’ supplement you can buy, you need to check your diet, if you lack it you supplement and if your don’t, you don’t need to.

Yeah, well I manage to eat a decent amount of eggs/chicken/cottage cheese.

I do take protein shakes as I really struggle with work and feeling full to get all of the protein I need from normal foods. I’m also not very organised. A load of shakes that I can throw together is easier than remembering to buy more cottage cheese or boil eggs etc.

Red meats I like, but I’m not a fan of eating too much so creatine is a possitive option for me.

Fish oils - really dont like seafood and so omege oils again are a good option for me. I do eat nuts which give the fat/oil but I dont eat enough.

[quote]Scouse wrote:
Yeah, well I manage to eat a decent amount of eggs/chicken/cottage cheese.

I do take protein shakes as I really struggle with work and feeling full to get all of the protein I need from normal foods. I’m also not very organised. A load of shakes that I can throw together is easier than remembering to buy more cottage cheese or boil eggs etc.

Red meats I like, but I’m not a fan of eating too much so creatine is a possitive option for me.

Fish oils - really dont like seafood and so omege oils again are a good option for me. I do eat nuts which give the fat/oil but I dont eat enough.[/quote]

Looks like you aren’t getting a great deal of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Try to eat more and use Superfood one scoop in on of your shakes a day will help with this imbalance. Flameout is essential as well.


I do get a reasonable amount of veg in - brocolli/spring beans

Fruit - yeah I need to work on that. Not a big fan…

as opposed to your multi vitamin take the super food supplement one here. by far much better for you.

bcaas def. for muscle gain. once again the bcaas on here much more potent then what you get at local gnc/vitamin shoppe.

one day i walked into vitamin shoppe to get bcaas and i brought my Biotest bottle to get a similar dosage, cause Biotest was out of stock.

anyway the lady at the store looked at my bottle and kinda flipped. it made me happy.

when it comes to supps. take what your intend your goals to be.

we on here “stack” supps. based on our needs

this article by CS shoudl help some


most protien powders have bcaa’s and glutamine already added. a few have creatine too