should I seperate my meals into P+C and P+F, like John Berardi says?
Or maybe I should only have carbs for breakfast and post workout, like Mike Roussell says?
Or maybe I should eat carbs through out the day but ONLY when combined with fat and protein in specific ratios, like Barry Sear’s says?
Or maybe I should eat them only at night every 3rd day, and only combined with fat like Chuck Rudolph says?
Or maybe I should eat P+C in the AM and P+F in the PM like Lonnie Lowery says?
Or maybe I should only P+F 5 days a week, then have my carbs on the weekend, like on the Anabolic Diet?
Or maybe I should use a higher carb, lower fat diet, like Scott Abel and Chris Moore say?
Or maybe I should do 2 days no carb, 2 days low GI carb, 2 days high GI carb, then a cheat day like Joel Marion says?
Or maybe I should only eat “paleo” carbs, like Loren Cordain says?
Or maybe I should drink nothing but shakes, like Chris Shugart says?
Or maybe I should never drink shakes, like forum poster laroyal says?
Or maybe I should eat 10% carbs, 30% protein, and 60% fat for 3 days, then eat 60% carbs, 30% protein, and 10% fat on the 4th day, like Chad Waterbury’s Flip Diet says?
Or maybe I should do the Dogg Crapp diet, which says no carbs after 6:00PM
What about eating only “clean” foods
is milk clean? what about cottage cheese? what about whey protein (made from milk) is that clean?
is oatmeal clean?
is instant oatmeal clean?
is bacon clean?
is pasta clean? what about whole wheat pasta?
is natural peanut butter clean? what about regular peanut butter?
is soy clean? what about soy sauce?
are sweet potatoes clean? what about white potatoes?
is brown rice clean? what about white rice?
what about berries, are they clean? how about tropical fruits (bananas, mangos) are they more or less clean?
what about mayo? clean? low-fat mayo? more or less clean?
wait…maybe all these foods are fine, and all those diets work. What if as long as your calories are controlled and your getting enough essential nutrients (i.e. protein and EFA’s, vitamins and minerals) then it doesn’t matter how you eat, when you eat or what you eat, the results will be the same?
Hopefully by now it has dawned on you that the notion of a “correct” diet or “clean” foods is enirely subjective, depending on who you ask. Maybe you don’t have to be so anal about WHAT and HOW you eat, only HOW MUCH you eat.
If you disagree go ahead and try to prove me wrong.
(before you reply, remember that I said you must be eating enough protein, and getting your EFA’s, vitamins and minerals. So there goes your “3,000 cal worth of gummy bears vs. 3,00 cal worth of chicken and broccoli” argument, sorry.)