I am really hesitant to write this post because I know that most of the answers will be (deserved) rants against Bill Phillips, but I was wondering if anybody knows what the hell he’s up to these days?
Retired? I would be too. He’s still w/ Muscle Media 2000 I believe but, in a limited small role. I think he is concentrating on publishing or writting books.
Muscle Media is gone, but I’ve heard rumors that Bill and his brother are starting a new company.
I saw him on the Wayne Brady show a couple of months ago and he was a guest. No I dont watch the show I was flicking and I saw him come walking out to have seat so I had to see what he had to say.
He was promoting his new Body for whatever book. My brother was with me and remarked as Bill was being interviewed that he seemed kind of out of it like he was on Prozac or something. No sooner did he say that when Wayne Brady asked him a question about either training or nutrition .I cant remember which .It was awhile ago so I cant remember but it was still a run of a mill question. Anyway Bill say
“Duh er um I DONT KNOW”" .My brother was convinced he was on something or was out the night before doing coke or E or something. I couldnt fucking beleive it.
So we had a good laugh at Bills expense .Priceless.
i saw that same Brady episode and i believe he said he was coming out with a ‘body for life’ cook book.
my friend went on a Bill phillips body for life program this summer and has lost about 15 lbs in a month and a half. IS there anything wrong with his diet methods that my friend doesn’t know about, or is this a pretty solid way to transform your body?
“Does Wayne Brady gotta choke a bitch?!”
“I’m Wayne Brady Biatch!”
Oh Shit!
It’s Wayne Brady!!
What is your problem? Are you trying to impress TC? There is a school of thought that says we attack the things that reflect our own insecurities.
Whatever about Bill Phillips and BFL, what does it matter to you? Did you do BFL? Didn’t you win the prize. Get over it.
Okay, he made a buck, but in the process he motivated a bunch of average Joe’s to get off their butts and do something. Perhaps you are part of some inner circle of excellence that has reached the pinnacle of physical perfection. If so, how’s about sharing some of your hard won knowledge.
Alternatively, if you are another one of the average Joe’s and you haven’t got your training and diet together maybe you should keep you insecurities to yourself.
Their is no doubt in my mind that T-Nation provides more in your face, get on with it, hard core information than anything MM had to offer. But here’s the deal, as Shug so eloquently put it in “Screw the village” this week “You are the teacher. You are the coach. Get to work”
This doesn’t apply just to our kids, this applies to every person with whom we can make a difference. If in the process you make a buck, I won’t complain.
Anyways, I haven’t posted any rants against Bill Phillips, but I don’t like the man. Not for his whole body-for-life program and whatnot, but for his destruction of MM2K. Of course, in retrospect, the downfall of MM2K paved the way for T-mag so it all worked out in the end, but for a while I was a big Bill Phillips hater.
There’s nothing wrong with BFL. I was a fan of MM2K and worked out for about 6 years with minimal results. BFL finally was the motivator for me to work out and eat intelligently. So, the guy’s rich. I wish I was too.
Ranksi, I hope your comments weren’t directed at me for starting this thread. I hadn’t heard anything about Bill Phillps for a while and wondered what he was up to. That’s it.
Tony, my apologies if you felt this was directed at you. Rather, I was commenting on those who like to sit on the sides and then jump in when they see safety in numbers.
I never cease to be amazed at the number of intelligent, eloquent and downright helpful individuals who take time out to post at T-Nation.
But…every so often, as in this thread,you get people mouthing off with nothing of any value, depth or relevance to contribute.
Hope this clarifies things.
I think that alot of people feel bitter, etc… with the way TC was treated by Bill Phillips when he was working for him. Being fired by fax, the BFL idea was his (TC’s) etc…i’d be pissed too. I think that’s why people are anti-Bill. Out of respect for TC. Though i’m sure none of us actually know either Bill or TC, some loyatly is good.
OK. Thanks for clearing that up.
TC doesn’t wander around moaing about this. How can you feel bitter about something that has nothing to do with you.
Success is the best revenge and T Nation speaks for itself. All this whining is…is not very…masculine.
Did i say i was bitter? Did i? Nope. Thats not what i said. Perhaps you need to read it again. And as for rants, etc…isn’t it you trying to right the wrong? But isn’t you’re bothering just feeding the fire? And you are ever-so-quick to respond…
Ranski, I think you’re overreacting a little bit there dude.I have no problem with Phillips at all. The question was anybody know what Bill Phillips is up to. The last time I saw Bill happened to be on TV and he seemed out of sorts .Did you even see the show?If any self proclaimed fitness guru was on there and couldnt answer a simple question my reaction would have been the same. It was nothing personal at all.If somebody asked what Wayne Gretzky was up to and I said I saw him fighting with his wife in a restaurant the other day would you think I had a failed marriage. Or maybe in your infinite wisdom and knowledge you would deduce that I got cut in hockey try outs and he squashed my dreams of playing in the NHL.For some reason you have have taken a quantumn leap and come to a conclusion that I might be insecure because I had a small chuckle at someone.As for trying to impress TC I dont even know what to say. How about no.I could give a shit what TC thinks and I dont think he gives a shit about any of this either .It was a simple observation and answer to a simple question. Get over it.
Body For Life was TC’s idea? No way! What’s the story behind that?
However I do know that Bill Phillips plagiarized TCs work. In the Sports Supplement Review (third edition), there is a chapter in the end that answers a lot of questions about supplements, diet, excercise, etc. A lot of the answers that were written came from TC’s “TC Talks” column, but TC wasn’t given any credit. I understand that whatever TC wrote for Muscle Media became the property for the company. However, he should have been given credit for his work that was in the Supplement review. The Review makes it look like Bill Phillips did all the work.
Now I understand why this section is called Get A Life…