Where to Buy Equipment?

Is there anywhere I can buy ok quality equipment now? I would like to order a power rack, bar, plates and a bench. I have never looked at buying equipment before and the few places I have heard of are sold out. Thanks!

E bay

Google is your friend, but be careful. I just went through two weeks of bickering with Paypal after I got scammed when I ordered a leg machine. When I got a tracking number within only a few minutes of ordering it, I knew something was going on. The website looked legit to me. (May have been the ambien.) It said the package weighed 5 ounces.

Elite FTS, Rogue, Titan. You may have a decent local manufacturer as well, have a look around.

Depends where u are in the world. Wait for look for in stock sections of big suppliers, wait for restocks or go the Craigslist kinda route even if it is overpriced. Isn’t a lot on the market most places so may be more worth to see if u can access someone’s home gym for a bit

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Check Ironmind. They seem to still be in stock. No rack, but you can get a set of stands and a spotting system that will hold over 1000lbs.

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If you are in the UK then gumtree and Facebook sell are highly used by people selling that kinda stuff. There’s where I sold my power rack and weights…not my smartest moment in time.

Try this weight bench guide. Might get lucky

I recently got something from Fray Fitness, which is in Tennessee (I’m in NY), so shipping was a consideration, but altogether it was still a better deal than ordering what I wanted elsewhere.


Fray makes some good stuff for cheap. My buddy owns a nice gym and has a lot of Fray equitoment. Super nice.

Most of mine is titan fitness or Wright equipment

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I second Wright Equipment. I got all of my stuff from them back in April, and it’s high-quality. Looks like they have some products in stock.

Check this site. garagegymreviews.com
Has links for the equipment reviewed.

Just ordered some DBs from Fray. After seeing questionable prices and reviews on so many other companies’ weights, I figured even with the S&H it still came out to a better price and quality than ordering from a rando online.


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They are a great company. Buddy owns a gym and has a lot of his stuff. Great quality.

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It depends on how much you are counting on. I got the cheapest OneFit here Best Bumper Plates 🏋️ in the Market, and I’ve had them for a long time. Be sure to check out the reviews. It’s also good to buy a set if you plan to exercise for a long time.