When to Stop Bulking?

[quote]admbaum wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:
hmm… tough one to call. You fight MMA? What’s your style like? Are you a big grappler or more of a boxer?

And really, how much slower do you feel? Do you tire quicker?

These are questions you should be looking to answer.

At 5’7" I was 185 and decently strong. I cut myself down to about 169, and though I lost a little strength, my endurance went through the roof and I feel much faster on my feet. If I was a competitive boxer, I would be fighting at welter or jr. welterweight because that would retain as much of my strength while getting me as low as possible. Most times that’s what you want to aim for, because your strength will useless as fuck if you wind quick or you’re slow.[/quote]

I favor the stand up game but I can hold my own on the ground. I just wanna be strong enough to handle guys bigger than me on the ground and still be fast and explosive in stand up.

Lately, I’ve been gassing in rnd 4 of 3 to 5 minutes mma sparring and in stand up, I dont feel as fast as I would like. At 177 I wouldnt gas hardly at all, but when taken to the ground by bigger sparring partners, I have to lay and pray. I hate that.[/quote]

Why worry about what sparring partners outside of your weight class are doing to you?

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:

[quote]Aussie Davo wrote:

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:
Fat never hurts, see Fedor, Hunt and Butterbean[/quote]

Yes, fat does hurt. A lot.

When you’re referencing fuckin Butterbean as proof of ANYTHING, I’ve gotta question your logic.[/quote]

Yeah man, you gotta keep it real you know! Ricco Rodriguez, Mark Kerr and Zuluzinho will be the future UFC heavyweight champs, Brock wouldn’t stand a chance against them.[/quote]

You’re not even a decent troll. C’mon.[/quote]

Thank god you noticed that i’m not serious. But i’m serious about Hunt and Fedor =)

If Hunt and Fedor leaned out, their performance would be markedly increased. So that’s scary in Fedor’s case. For Hunt it’d improve his gas tank, but it’d remove his ability to do the arse bomb.

Fat’s a pretty useless substance athletically, especially in combat sports, it only serves as dead weight. Some might argue extra weight allows for stronger punches, but as discussed on these forums, after 80kg, almost any guy can throw a knockout punch, so it’s irrelevant. [/quote]

For those like myself(270-300lbs),I think losing extra weight does more for punches…by way of being in better condition to throw more technical punches. Hard to have KO power when you’re trying to not keel over and have sloppy punches.

Of course this will vary depending on body type…etc. Every one is different. [/quote]

what is your height? that’s a shit lot of weight, one punch K.O. for sure.

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:

[quote]Big_Boss wrote:

[quote]Aussie Davo wrote:

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:

[quote]FightinIrish26 wrote:

[quote]kaisermetal wrote:
Fat never hurts, see Fedor, Hunt and Butterbean[/quote]

Yes, fat does hurt. A lot.

When you’re referencing fuckin Butterbean as proof of ANYTHING, I’ve gotta question your logic.[/quote]

Yeah man, you gotta keep it real you know! Ricco Rodriguez, Mark Kerr and Zuluzinho will be the future UFC heavyweight champs, Brock wouldn’t stand a chance against them.[/quote]

You’re not even a decent troll. C’mon.[/quote]

Thank god you noticed that i’m not serious. But i’m serious about Hunt and Fedor =)

If Hunt and Fedor leaned out, their performance would be markedly increased. So that’s scary in Fedor’s case. For Hunt it’d improve his gas tank, but it’d remove his ability to do the arse bomb.

Fat’s a pretty useless substance athletically, especially in combat sports, it only serves as dead weight. Some might argue extra weight allows for stronger punches, but as discussed on these forums, after 80kg, almost any guy can throw a knockout punch, so it’s irrelevant. [/quote]

For those like myself(270-300lbs),I think losing extra weight does more for punches…by way of being in better condition to throw more technical punches. Hard to have KO power when you’re trying to not keel over and have sloppy punches.

Of course this will vary depending on body type…etc. Every one is different. [/quote]

what is your height? that’s a shit lot of weight, one punch K.O. for sure.[/quote]

I’m 6’3"…slowly getting down to 250-260lbs. Hopefully I don’t lose too much strength and power behind my strikes…BUT I will be able to dish out more before running out of gas.

I might feel emaciated at 250…lol.

not about the op’s post sorry bud. (I can’t give you good advice if I don’t know your age, fight history and fight goals, i love sub grappling and actively take bjj classes and spent some time on the mat in high school but my goal at 23 is to finish my masters and apply to med school. If your goal is to be a pro fighter then weight class is EVERYTHING, you need good cardio in mma, that goes without saying, also you need to know where you feel comfortable. As a striker you dont want to be fighting taller fighters all the time. you sound like a good guy for either 170 or 185. NO more than 185. unless you are a great fighter…my advice is to get lean and see what your morning weight is, any average joe can cut 15 pounds easy with no effects on performance! 0 carbs, cut sodium, a run in plastics…your laughing. 15 pounds is nothing, now an anthony johnson cut is another story. anyways just check your weight when you are at 8-10 bodyfat…I mean how many pro fighters do you see over that except the 205-265ers? be smart if you want to make a living at this)

anyway I went on a rant lol, Aussie Davo got me thinking about fedor at 205…wow that would be UNREAL…if he was 205 and fought as a heavy he would be even sicker then him as 230 just cuz you know he would be working hard in the gym, its not like he is a roy nelson and laying on people and working position from the top…the dude can KO anybody…He has a great gas tank…look at the nog fights, but wow he is BAD ASS. strikeforce and overeem need to make the fedor fight happen. overeem looked great against rogers!

thats my thoughts im getting ready to watch tim and marius…should be a good brawl…tty guys soon

I want to be able to handle any opponent at any size. More specifically, I want to be competitive at a BW of 185 and in open weight classes. Remember when Royce Gracie fought Kimo? Royce was at 180ish and Kimo was at 260. If you didnt see it, Royce won. Granted he’s skills are way better than mine, but a great deal of being able to execute his skills required a great deal of strength. Thats the kind of mentality all fighters need to have. Fedor doesn’t care about how big his opponents are…ie Choi Hong-man 7’2" 300+

[quote]admbaum wrote:
I want to be able to handle any opponent at any size. More specifically, I want to be competitive at a BW of 185 and in open weight classes. Remember when Royce Gracie fought Kimo? Royce was at 180ish and Kimo was at 260. If you didnt see it, Royce won. Granted he’s skills are way better than mine, but a great deal of being able to execute his skills required a great deal of strength. Thats the kind of mentality all fighters need to have. Fedor doesn’t care about how big his opponents are…ie Choi Hong-man 7’2" 300+[/quote]

In the case of Royce, you are talking about the brilliance of Brazillian Jiu-Jitsu against an opponent not well versed in the art. He could not beat oppoenents that much larger than him today unless they havent trained any bjj. To be 185 and able to compete in an open weight class has little to do with strength and everything to do with your technique being that much better than everyone else that you can get away with being smaller and weaker. I know you understand this, but for some reason you are talking like you should be an exception to the rules.

As for Fedor, come on man, he’s the greatest mma fighter to date. Having confidence and trying to improve all of your skill sets to be the best YOU can be is great, but let’s be real here.

Maybe he forgot Fedor is the most dominant fighter in the history of the sport and is as strong as an OX.