Hi all,
I am a somewhat novice powerlifter, currently training for a meet that is going to take place in the end of november. I’ve been training for a little under two years. I have done one cycle so far, a mild one, a low dose test and anadrol cycle. I got a nice amount of strength (which is the whole point of the cycle) and some mass. Now I’m planning my next cycle, which will be more aggressive.
Height 5’7
Weight 180
bf (guesstimated) 15%
Best lifts so far
Squat 440 lbs (Raw, with knee wraps)
Bench 265 lbs(Raw)
Deadlift 440 lbs (Raw)
Overhead press lbs 185 lbs (probably good for more)
As you can see, I’m not hugely strong, but I’m not weak either, so I’m no noob. My next cycle will consist of the following
1-12 test cyp 500mg/week then ramp up to 12-16 test cyp 750mg/week
1-4 dianabol 35 mg/day
12-16 anadrol 100mg/day
I have aromasin in hand to control estrogenic sides. I don’t care a whole lot about bloating, I only care about gyno, so I don’t see a point in including an AI just to reduce water retention. The meet is in the end of the 16th week.
I have easy access to nolva and clomid and I have a 5000 IU amp of HCG. I can’t use it during the cycle as I just have sterile water, not bacteriostatic water, so I’ll use it in the end of the cycle to make my nuts grow again and will do the usual protocol with nolva.
Goals on this cycle: gain mass (I’d like to go up to 200 lbs or more, since I plan on competing in the 198 class) but mainly strength. I know this is a fairly long cycle but this keep in mind I’m taking the stuff for strength purposes, that is, to recover better and faster.
Now, to the actual question: I have a bottle of tren E dosed at 200mg/ml that I would like to use on this cycle. My question is: Are the strength gains from tren acute or do they last? I’m trying to figure out if I use the tren (at 200mg/week) in the first half of the cycle, get the strength and hold on to it (and improve it, obviously) until the meet, or to start using it in the 10 weeks leading to the meet. Using it in the beginning would be better regarding sides, as I’d be running along with dianabol and test at reasonable doses, compared to the higher doses and the anadrol in the other half. But it would make more sense to use it near the meet, if the strength gains from the tren don’t last. I can’t buy another bottle, the thing is too damn expensive and can’t afford another bottle. I would also like to keep it low-dose (200 mg/week) as I do not know how I react to it and I can’t buy a bottle of tren A to find out.
So, when should I use my tren? from weeks 1-10 or 6-16?