[quote]abysmal wrote:
Hey brothers,
After some years of training, I find my self here seeking some knowledge and wisdom about doing a first cycle.
here si some information about me.
Age : 27
height : 170cm
weight : 69kg
BF : 12%
I’ve learned really a lot about steroids, but with all the amount of information it gets really confusing, as you know it can’t replace a serious advice from an experienced person.
Here is a first cycle as I imagine :
1-4 : test E - 500mg/week
1-3 : Dianabol 30mg / ED
4-8 : test E 200mg /week
4-8 : 50mg tren / eod
PCT : (waiting for your advice)
I can have clomid, nolvadex, proviron, dostinex
I can’t have some arimidex, letrozol or aromasin.
It’s a first cycle, so I’m not looking to be a jay cutler, I’m keeping the doses as reasonable as possible, to experiment my reactions and stay as safe as I can without burning steps.
I would be very grateful to any advice or criticism.[/quote]
Respectfully, I would say you need to put some more effort in the training and nutrition realms so you don’t end up wasting your money on a cycle. I was a skinny bastard myself at one point, not much taller than you, and I’ve made it up to 209lbs before ever even considering exogenous help.
That said, keep it simple. Don’t mess with tren on your first cycle. Consider dropping the dbol too. The more compounds you add the harder it is to figure out where your sides are coming from. Do 500mg of test per week for 10-12 weeks. You NEED to have an AI (adex, aromasin, etc) on hand in case of sides, even if you never have to use it. Also, PCT is more important than the cycle itself, so I would nail that down firmly before going any further.
But seriously, you’re going to waste your money if you don’t first learn how to make better gains naturally. Eat like a horse, train heavy enough and with enough volume, drink plenty of milk and get plenty of sleep. If you do that I guarantee you could put on 20lbs in the next 6 months to a year. Good luck.