(Glad to see you back posting, @Sloth. Hope you are feeling better…)
I have my good moments, heh. Great to see you again too!
I’ll be praying for you Skyz. I know some people who have had it, all along the spectrum. But I’m confident in your stubborn ability to tell anything and anyone to “F–off”
Good to have you back man. It would have helped if we had leadership from the White House initially. You’d have some people who were die hard against it anyways no matter what but when you have the Vice President not wear a mask in the Mayo Clinic because apparently it makes you pussy or something then we are where we are. I just can’t help but wonder how much different the “mask debate” would have been if the moment that guidance came out the President was adamant about people wearing masks in public places. Or backing up his own health officials instead of them scrambling to correct him.
It’s too late for that now and he can’t backtrack the loons with a quick “oh yeah that’s good shit now.” It’s too late now it’s a mind control device or something. Just like when you wear pants and a shirt into Wal-Mart. That’s how they get you. I should be able to walk into Wal-Mart naked. I don’t need your fear telling me how to live my life!
Now, to be fair to Pence he did apologize and say he wishes he had worn a mask. That’s normal human. I mean, it’s too late to fix and he shouldn’t have done it in the first place…but it is something the Donald has never done
You wish lol.
Good luck man!
I know one person who has died from it (Leeds, UK).
I know of around a dozen others who have had it and are fine now (a few in Leeds and others in Bergamo, Italy).
My first boss ever died from it. Haven’t seen him in years, but I’m friends on social media with his family members.
He was 62 and picked it up at a tennis tournament for seniors in which he was participating.
Based on the Facebook posts from his immediate family, he died in less than two weeks after being infected, despite being placed on a ventilator.
Also, since he had high BP he was reassuringly classified as having a “preexisting condition”.
personnally i don’t know anybody with this shit, spain familly, moroco family, france familly… friends, friends of friends no one in my entourage, and friends and so on, maybe all of us have strong genetic who know
I don’t know if this is a real pandemic or a fake pandemic* but all I have to say is thank fuck this thing has a relatively low mortality rate otherwise we’d really be fucked.
*Well, I actually do know and it is.
My next door neighbour (semi-detached house) died from it in May. He was in his 70s and in pretty poor health, but still.
A friend who’s a doctor working in an ICU got a bad case and has really struggled to recover.
I also know another guy in his 60s who got it and had hardly any symptoms at all. Seems to be totally random how badly it affects individuals.
Khabib’s father.
While there are Coronavirus experts whom have studied the virus their whole lives; this particular strain has many; even scientist; learning on the fly.
It’s a head-scratcher as to why children are not seriously effected.
This supports my original point. When this particular strain is so much different from other strains; comparing it to influenza is a stretch.
But here we are.
Good point. It still just boggles my mind though that the administration would politicize something during a pandemic enough that a Vice President would defy orders in a hospital. But yes an apology for a screw up is far preferable to what we usually see.
“UPDATE ON THE RESISTANCE!” (This was what was e-mailed out from one Coronavirus “Freedom Fighter”)
(I hate…HATE, pseudo-revolutionaries…defined in whatever way you wish…)
Where were all of these freedom fighters when OSHA went all crazy with the workplace safety bullshit?
Now you cant even breathe in chromium or manganese, zinc, what-ever, without some nazi communist thug inspector coming down on you about some “airborne metals and vapors” or something. The only flying metal I’ve EVER heard of was Freebird! Skynyrd! Wahoo!
And after even just one violation, they can fire you! Like you’re a “workplace liability” or some other fancy jack booted thug term that They use to ruin freedom and fuck the regular people right out of a jerb?
So that they can send your job overseas to China or something where apparently manganese doesn’t cause brain damage.
It’s all a freakin plot man, to Shut down the working man (Rush! Fuck yeah!) and sell our jobs to China and make us dependent on the nanny state.
You people need to open your eyes.
TRUMP 2112!!!
(obviously I’m just being a dick.)
If it makes you feel better, they probably don’t wear seatbelts.
Me and you are good, @SkyzykS!
Good luck with all of your evaluations! We need you here to keep some of us (me!) in line!